40 Days of Blogging
I would’ve posted this Wednesday but, you know… I do have a tradition of weekly lists on Wednesday. 170 weekly lists, to be exact. Anyways, this is just a bit of a notification. That I’m going to be participating in 40 Days of Blogging again this year.
Honestly, I don’t know why I’m doing this to myself. You’d think blogmas would be enough. But – no… Apparently, I really like to torture myself. And apparently, blogging is just the ultimate way for me to do that.
So, what exactly is 40 Days of Blogging, you might ask. It’s exactly what the label says, actually. For the 40 days of lent, I will be trying to upload a post a day. As the 6 Sundays of lent don’t actually count towards the “40 day period”, I too get 6 days off. In other words, yesterday’s post included, you can expect 40 new posts by the time Easter comes around.
Of course, business as usual will continue. That means you can still expect a Weekly List every Wednesday, as well as something Bookish every Friday. Apart from that? Well, it’ll be just as if Random Sundays have expanded. And, you know… Taken over the entire rest of the week.
#40DaysOfBlogging is organised by Kathleen over at Tuttefrut and Verbeelding, one of my favourite Belgian bloggers.
She does explain the entire concept of #40DagenBloggen (as it is called in Dutch) over on her introductory post as well. If you don’t speak Dutch however, she summarises the point of the entire challenge in two ways.
First of all: why not do it? It doesn’t hurt to be crazy, and – let’s face it. You definitely have to be at least a bit wacko to do this for fun.
Second: because sometimes, writing is something you just have to make yourself do. I’ll put it this way: so far in 2019, I’ve not really “enjoyed” writing as much as usually do. I like the posts I wrote, but I’ve not really had any days where I just had idea after idea after idea after… You get the gist of it. And it’s not really anythings fault. Well, actually. That’s a blatant lie. It’s because, for the entirety of January I was correcting exams and then for just about the entirety of February I was ill. It’s been a bit of a rough start, this entire 2019-thing.
But that just means I’m looking forward to this even more than I usually am. Because I know that, as soon as I make myself sit down a couple of days in a row? Just to write? The ideas start coming again. And I’m really looking forward to that, actually.
So, if you too would like to mildly torture yourself and open up those “gates of creativity” through forced writing? Why not join in? You can join “officially” on Kathleen’s site, or just wing it and try to get as much content out as possible, the next 40 days. I would love to follow along if you do opt to actually join in, though, so be sure to let me know below! Or you know – just tell me I’m crazy. It bears repeating 🙂