Blogging,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #70: Favorite January blogposts

So here’s a post that I’m hoping to make into a monthly feature. You see, I don’t just blog myself. I also read a ton of other blogs. And so often, I’ll come across one and be like: more people should read this!. And then I just do nothing. But no more! No, this year I figured that, every month, I’d try and post a list of 5 of the blogposts that stuck with me most in the month that’s passed.

Basically: if I think you should read it? This is where you’ll find it! You can be expecting these posts either on the last day of the month, if that happens to be a Wednesday, or on the first Wednesday of the following month. Just to make sure I really do end up with my favourite blogposts of the entire month, you know? So let’s get started!

1. Bookish and Bright: How to balance college and blogging

How I Balance Blogging and University.

So, you know, this is basically my life. Not only did so many of the things mentioned in this post speak to me, but there’s actually some pretty good tips to be had as well.

And who knows, maybe I might eventually try my hand at a similar post as well? Because we all know this is like a daily struggle for me 🙂

2. Robowecop, Fresh air is good for the soul

This is one of those things where at first you go “well, yes, of course”, and then you just sort of go “but, well, actually…”

Or was that just me?

Anyways, there’s so many ways in which fresh air is good for the soul (and the mind, and the body, and so on, and so forth). And then there’s some photography in this post that kind of just had me going “oh”. Seriously, this girl has talent!

Photo credit: robowecop

3. Robowecop, Tips for growing your Instagram

Two posts from the same blog? *Gasp* Well, yes, because this blog just so happens to be one of my favourite ones.

You see, I love Instagram. However, I also *suck* at it. Not as in, like, I don’t know how to take a picture. I just have such a hard time figuring out what direction I want to take my Instagram in. So then, usually, I’ll just end up posting nothing at all which – of course – is even worse.

This is another post which is full of really useful tricks and, as soon as these darn exams are finally over, I fully intend to implement as many of them as possible. Let’s see how that works out, shall we? 🙂

4. Freckled Fox, Let your heart be light

So this woman has been through some hard things – and yet, here she is, still offering advice that’s actually do-able and useful. Basically, if sometimes you feel like things are overwhelming you just a tad and you really need to let go of some stuff to get your breath back? This is the post you want to turn to 🙂

5. Blair Blogs, Checking in on a Saturday

This blog was one of the first I ever followed, and this post just really exemplifies why I did so. You see, one of the main things that will attract me to any blog? Authenticity. That feeling that you really are getting to know the person on the other side of the screen. This particular post is, in so many ways, all about the importance of that. Reading it actually made me go back and think whether I’d been authentic enough. And a post that makes me think like that? Always a winner 🙂

So there you have it, that’s 5 of my favourite blogposts of January! Be sure to let me know which posts (or blogs) you have been loving lately, as I can always use another blog to follow!


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