Weekly Lists #151: Favorite Blogposts September 2018
It’s officially fall, people! In case you didn’t know: this is my time. This is the time where I can throw off the limitations of summer and its unbearably hot weather (listen, anything above 24°C is basically too hot for me) and get back to living! You can ask just about anyone around me – if there’s such a thing as Seasonal Disorder for summer? That’s what I have. I feel more alive when the temperatures are colder, I get along magnificently with rain and of course… I’m all for cosyness at home. What else, is new, right? Well, how about these: some of my favorite blogposts september 2018 produced!
1. Good things take time
I’ve mentioned at least a couple of times that I’m not really having the best luck with being *content with my lot*. Whether that concerns being an adult, getting stuff done… I’m eager at the best of times, impatient at the worst. This post came just as I was having something of an existential crisis over where I’m at versus where I’m *supposed to be at*… Suffice it to say: from now on? I’m telling myself daily that where I’m supposed to be at is exactly where I am right now. It just has to be.
2. Finding your Ikigai
Now, Maud may say that Ikigai has been popping up everywhere. But, honestly? Her post was the first thing I’d ever heard of it. Not anymore though – this is deifnitely one of those “didn’t know I needed it until I had it”-things!
3. IT’S FALL!!
Yeah, I love autumn and fall and colder temperatures and rain and… We get it. Luckily – I’m not the only one!
4. Positive attitude towards medication + therapy
Can we just applaud how positive Elizabeth from “Ice Cream” whispers Clara is towards the combination of medication + therapy? More people need this attitude.As a matter of fact – all people need this attitude!
5. Binder supplies
Because, well, I mean… Honestly, it’s me. I love planners. And September is approximately the best month for planners, even more so than January. So, obviously: this was bound to happen :p
Bonus: On not being low-maintenance
Because, honestly, being low-maintenance is put on way too much of a pedistal, these days. Why shouldn’t you be high maintenance, at least in some aspects of your life? Who else is supposed to maintain you, if not yourself? Just think about it!
And there you have it, that’s some of my favorite blogposts for september 2018. What posts have you been loving? What posts have you written, this past month?? Be sure to let me know below, as I always love to check out new blogs!