Weekly Lists #212: BuJo Inspiration
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that me and planners of all sorts have had a bit of a journey. I’m back on the bujo-bandwagon, and this time, I want to do things decently. That’s to say, a hot minute ago (we’re talking 2015?) I experimented with a bujo. It lasted for about a month, and then I just didn’t use it ever again. 2020 is going to be my year, though. My bujo year. And here’s some of my favourite bullet journal inspiration!
1. Amanda Rach Lee
Something I’ve noticed about myself – I always have to have a gateway-everything. In the case of getting back into bullet journalling, Amanda Rach Lee. Her entire channel is basically just bujo inspiration, but her monthly and yearly set-ups might be some of my absolute favourites.
2. BookRoast
I mean, I’m calling this video bujo inspiration, but in all reality? This video might scare you off. If nothing else, I find it kind of intimidating just how amazing all the art is in each and every one of the monthly bullet journal plan with me’s BookRoast does!
3. Mood Trackers
While I’m quite content to have a very simple habit tracker, I’m hoping to get a mood tracker going in the next month as well. It’s basically exactly what it says on the packaging – it’s a way to track what your mood was like throughout the month. This is definitely something I would need some creativity for, though… Or just, in general, the ability to draw… So I do really need the bujo inspiration for this one 🙂
4. Fandom-inspiration
Or, more realistically: Harry Potter-inspiration. You see, Harry Potter has so many great quotes, and it’s so linked to certain times of year (back to school as well as Christmas come to mind) that, well… I basically just wanted to get some general inspiration from it as well. And how cute are all of these separate spreads?
5. Seasonal inspiration
Snowflakes and florals. That’s basically the starting point here. Also known as: I don’t know how to draw, but I do want to be creative, and in those cases, the seasons can give you just the inspiration you’re needing. Hopefully :p
Anyways, do you have any other resources I might enjoy? Any videos or blogposts that show do-able drawings, fun headings, inspiring themes? If so, please do let me know below – I’m already out of inspiration for March, and I haven’t even started on that month yet 😀
![Walking Through The Pages - Weekly Lists: BuJo Inspiration](https://i0.wp.com/walkingthroughthepages.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/212-Weekly-Lists-BuJo-Inspiration.jpg?resize=735%2C1102&ssl=1)