Christmas,  Holidays

DIY Christmas Decoration

One of the things I love most about Christmas and this entire time of year, is decorating my place. From the Christmas-tree to the printables, there’s a couple of classics I can never go without. Every year, though, I’m trying to do something a little different. And because I’m not actually that rich (or, let’s be real – in possession of enough storage room to put new decoration every year)? Well, this just calls for some DIY Christmas decoration!

Some background

When I was in college, I’d have about 9m² to decorate. So, originally, my decoration was rather minimalistic by force. Nowadays, though? I’ve got an entire apartment. And I think most people – me included – were basically expecting me to go bananas. Just, absolutely crazy. Oddly, quite the opposite happened. Sure, I decorated my living room. But that’s about it. There’s no Santa-toilet covers, no reindeer bedding, not even any snowflakes-pyjamas!

I do try and decorate to the best of my abilities, but I’ve come to realize that I’m actually a bit more into empty spaces than I thought I was. As in – I want my rooms to be as functional as possible. I spend a large majority of my time in the living room, so it’s only normal that that’s where I would focus the decoration.

Oh, and finally – I’m not good at DIY. As in, I think my stick figures could still be beat by a 3-year-old’s. I basically have little to no artistic ability, so if I’m going to DIY something? It has to be doable. Very doable. Or, if nothing else – it has to look as if it would be!

The very basic: printables

Now, I know I dedicated a couple of blogposts to printables already. That’s basically because they’re the easiest, kind-of-DIY-decoration there is. Whether it be for spring, a certain holiday, or just some general life-wisdom.

Source: Homebunch

Basically, slap a frame around it, put it up, and you have some instant decoration that doesn’t take any trouble!

2. The intermediate: paper-art

This can go from the very basic to the very complicated itself, but one of the main things I like, is that paper-art is often very doable. What I mean by that is that, usually at least, you will have the things you need just there.

Source: DIY Inspired

Whether it’s about spray paint, about special techniques, or anything of the sorts?

Source: Real Soul Art

There are so many great tutorials, stencil and ideas online, that you never really need to run out of ideas. And best of all? These are really great things to do as an activity in the run up to Christmas!

Source: Lia Griffith

3. The advanced: mason jars

Also known as: the reason I wrote this entire post. Honestly, there’s so many amazing things you can do with mason jars – and so many people that are incredibly creative with them!

Source: Crafts By Amanda

From centerpieces to the most amazing light plays, from the elegant to the just plain old very cute? There’s so many things I would love to make, and a lot of them seem, while advanced, fairly doable, still.


Source: Bitz ‘n Giggles

And honestly, if you’re in a pinch for some DIY gift-ideas? Why not go for something mason jar-inspired? I do have an entire post to things like this coming up, but, for now? Mason jars are definitely a great stock to have for if you’re ever in need of something that can make a quick, cute, and home made gift!

Source: It All Started With Paint

And now, of course, I have to ask you this: do you have any ideas for some DIY home decoration? Any tips or tricks you might want to share? Be sure to leave them below, as there’s always room for some more Christmas decoration – right? And of course, if you would like some more “Christmas stuff” – be sure to check out either the tag, or the rest of this year’s blogmas-posts! (or both – of course. Both is good!


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