Christmas,  Holidays,  Lifestyle

Holiday Drinks

Every season has it’s typical drinks, and as was probably expected by each and every one of you – my favourites come in winter. I mean, come on, the holiday drinks are just so amazing!

1. The classic

If you ever thought that this was going to be anything but hot chocolate, you obviously don’t know me very well. Hot chocolate is my favourite drink for the colder days as is, and around Christmas that just rings more true.

If you want to try something a little different for your daily overdose of chocolate, however, I can point you to these two posts:

Source: A Cultivated Nest
Source: A Cultivated Nest

Let me just tell you:Ā red velvet hot chocolate. Seriously, what more could you need?

(That is: apart from sitting in front of an open fire, while it’s snowing outside…)

Source: The Be Witch In Kitchen
Source: The Be Witch In Kitchen

If you’re having an office party, or something of the likes, be sure to try out these recipes! Just about all of them sound delicious, and those I’ve tried already (especially War and Cheese’s Red Wine Hot Chocolate!) are delicious!

(If you are going all out on the hot chocolate, be sure to keep the kid- and adult-tables separate though šŸ™‚ )

2. The slightly autumnal one

Sure, Christmas and Fall have their own, distinctive drinks. However, some of them work just fine in the other season as well!

Now, I’m particularly partial to theĀ Homemade Apple Cider (and I make it at least 3 times every fall and winter), but the other drinks in this video? Absolutely amazing as well!

3. The Starbucks seasonal drinks

Gemma Stafford is amazing at anything seasonal anyways, but her renditions of these Starbucks drinks sounds (and looks)Ā amazing.

I mean, I basically want to go to Starbucks now – and I hardly ever even go there!

4. Gluhwein and the likes

If anything, this is probably the alcoholic equivalent of hot chocolate – at least in status. This is such a typical Christmas drink, around here – if only I actually liked it!

Part of that is probably the alcohol (not much of a drinker, me), but I’ve been told that you can just exchange the red wine for grape juice. ItĀ should give a decent alternative, and I kind of feel like I’m insulting people just by writing that phrase down…

That being said, I found a recipe (by Wine Tasting Reviews, so obviously they know what they’re talking about) that actually sounds pretty good, so I might give that whole non-alcoholic gluhwein a go this season!

So, there you have it – some of theĀ bestest holiday drinks! I hope I’ve given you some inspiration for your relaxation time tonight. I know I’ll probably be making all of these, the following weeks, so if nothing else, there’s that! Be sure to let me know what your favourite holiday drink is, and don’t forget to check out the rest of this year’s Christmas series!


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