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Gifts for the Narnia-lover

Here’s my logic behind writing a post on gifts for the Narnia-lover:
“So here’s a thing I never really understood: how does the Narnia-series not have a huge fandom? I mean, The Lord of the Rings-fandom is ginormous, and the series is just as old as Narnia! And why isn’t their tons of fan-merchandise available? Like, I love Narnia, but how am I supposed to express that like this?”
And then I realised I should just go look for that merchandise, and make a post on it!

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1. Books

1. The Chronicles of Narnia Colouring Book: Of course there had to be a coulouring book – it makes me calm!

2. Full Book Series: So, if someone’s a Narnia fan, chances are they already own the series. However, I really really love these editions. And everybody knows you gotta have those nice editions, right!

3. The Classic BBC Radio 4 Full-Cast Dramatisations: Not sure if it’s just the part of me that loves anything old schooled, or just in general that radio dramatisations are awesome, but I love this. And I would quite like owning it! (hint hint)

4. Edmund and the White Witch: One of the two things I wish we got more information on: EDMUND. And the how and what and why of his adventure with the White Witch. Now if someone could just write an official book on what happened to Susan after the series…

5. Discovering Aslan: I figure everybody probably knows or at least heard somewhere that Narnia was meant to translate the bible so that children could understand it? Well, this one delves further into that analogy. And this is definitely because I studied Literature, but that, to me, is just so interesting!

6. The Creatures of Narnia: I mean, yeah, there’s so many creatures in this series, and just about none of those make absolute sense. So of course I want to read this one!

7. The Quest for Aslan: I have no idea what this one is supposed to be about, but I just really love the title!

8. Beyond the Wardrobe: The Official Guide to Narnia: To really round this whole thing up: this is “official” – and I need the information 🙂

2. Jewellery

1. The Chronicles of Narnia map necklace: I mean, it’s a necklace with Narnia on the pendant and I love it so much.

2. Lamppost Bracelet: Probably one of my favourite scenes of this entire series, is the moment Lucy meets Mr. Tumnus. This lamppost basically symbolises that, so of course I love it 🙂

3. Bookcover necklace: I have thing for pretty books, and if  this cover existed on an actual edition I’d be buying it faster than you can say “Narnia”. That being said, it doesn’t (at least, not that I know of), so I’ll just have to stick to this necklace!

4. The Wardrobe-necklace: Another iconic starting point to this series, the wardrobe was the thing that connected all the books – somewhat. And also, this is just really pretty.

So, there you have it, some of the Narnia-inspired gift ideas for your local lover of the Sons of Adam and the Daughters of Eve. (And yes, I’m that person that can quote the books. #sorrynotsorry)

Anyways, be sure to let me know below if you know of any further gift ideas (so I can add them to my wishlist, of course) and do come back for the rest of this year’s Blog-Mas!


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