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My Holiday Bucket List

I know I’m basically writing this one entirely too late. After all, it’s basically Christmas already! However, because I do have classes right up to Christmas, I’ve had to sort of slim down this list anyways. And as such, I’m going to try and get as many of these in this last week. You know, to fully get in that Holiday spirit? So here’s my Holiday bucket list!

1.All the hot cocoa

This printable basically says it all! All the hot cocoa makes for a very happy me 🙂

2. Make a winter walk

I live right near a Christmas market but somehow I never manage to get there unless I’m going grocery shopping. So in these next couple of weeks I really want to do a winter walk where I really get to enjoy the lights, the views, the leafs. And, you know, not just be going somewhere real quick.

3. Watch the nutcracker

Live or on my laptop – I need to see this one.

I’ve actually seen it live twice already and those are probably some of my best Christmas memories ever. So, yeah, now I basically just need to see it in order for it to feel like Christmas!

4. Cuddle up under the Christmas tree with a Christmas classic

More on the whole Christmas classic-thing coming later!

And no classics yet, but at least I have been reading by the Christmas Tree!

5. Watch a Christmas classic

A couple of years ago it was White Christmas, last year it was Christmas in St. Louis, this year I’ve already seen It’s a Wonderful Life. I’m thinking I might try and get another one in though!

6. Buy all my presents and wrap them up

And this one is already done!

7. Go to a Christmas market

I haven’t done this one yet, but I do have plans to go to one later this week, and next week, and the week after that!

8. Enjoy the season

Last year this time, I was covered in work. So much so even that I completely missed the Holiday Spirit. This year, I’m trying to be more conscious of the time of year – and as such: to enjoy it more!

So that’s my Holiday bucket list sorted – what are some of the things you want to do this season? Be sure to let me know below and do come back for the rest of this year’s Blog-mas!


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