Favorite Holiday Songs
Now, yes, I know that I already made a list of my favourite seasonal music in last year’s Christmas series. But. However. You didn’t really think I had but 5 favorites – right? Of course not! So here’s the 5 holiday songs that I’m loving most this holiday period. Because of course – that changes just about every year 🙂
1. We Three Kings, Celtic Woman
Almost as soon as I posted last year’s Seasonal Music, I realised I should’ve included this one. Oh well, no harm done – I get to include it in this one! The way that these three women’s voices come together for this song has not yet failed to leave me stunned. Add in the bagpipes (I love me some well-played bagpipes!) and of course I was sold!
2. Oh Holy Night, Glee
Of course I know that I also included another version of this song in last year’s post. However, this is my absolute favourite Christmas song ever, so of course I had more than one favourite version! When I first heard Lea Michele sing this one, I really felt touched, in a way? There’s many things you can say about Lea’s voice, but if nothing else she always knows how to put real emotion in what she sings. Here, as much as in any other song, that is certainly the case!
3. Christmas Present, Doris Day
I’m sure I’ve mentioned a couple of times already that I really love those vintage-y, almost 50’s-like touches around Christmas. That old school feeling, you know? And this song expresses exactly that sort of old school glory. Plus, I just love the way singers in the 50’s used their voices, Doris Day especially!
4. Na Hu o Ho
So when I was younger, my dad once got this CD when buying coffee, called “Christmas Around the World”. It featured traditional songs from around the world, and although I understood hardly any of those songs, I came to love them. This song in particular, has such a lovely, calming feeling.
5. Auld Lang Syne, Celtic Woman
Sure, this might be known as a New Year’s Eve song more than anything else, but you know what? Celtic Woman sang it on their Christmas Show, and as such it’s a Christmas song as well! Also, I just love Lisa Lambe’s voice – and more so in this song than in maybe anything else she’s done with Celtic Woman!
So, there you have it, 5 of my favourite Holiday Songs – what are your favourites? Seriously, leave me your links, recommendations, blogposts, down below, because I really want to know! And of course, be sure to check out the rest of this year’s Christmas series, as well as come back for tomorrow’s post!