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52 Goals Final Round Up

It seems like a lifetime ago that I made these goals for myself. Realistically speaking, I did lead a different life then – in the past year I’ve transitioned from a lot of things to even more things. Or something like that. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, quite frankly. One thing I know for sure, though? Never or ever am I putting myself through 52 goals again. If I speak of it, slap the silly idea out of me! Here’s my 52 goals final round up!

(Quick disclaimer? This might be a bit of a long one – so grab yourself a nice cuppa and get comfortable!)

1. Personal

  1. Take at least one night per two weeks off – off work, off school, off blogging, just to enjoy (if you know me, you know that once every two weeks is still a step up!)
  2. Do something sporty at least 3 times a week
  3. Eat pizza once a month (that means both at least and maximum, in case you were wondering)
  4. Eat sushi once a month (see above)
  5. Bake something new at least once a month
  6. Try a new recipe once a month
  7. Go to my favourite spot at least once a week, even if just in passing
  8. Start to learn a new language (I’ve wanted to speak Swedish for ages!)
  9. Learn to be happy with my body
  10. Learn to be happy with myself in general
  11. Try 17 new sorts of tea
  12. Appreciate the good things I’ve got going
  13. Dance a little every day

Highlighted are the two I failed completely at. Which, all things considered? Not a bad status quo.

Honestly, though? 9 and 10 could use a little (a lot) of work as well. It’s so easy to say you’re happy with something, but to actually be able to feel that, consistently? I’m not sure I’ll ever quite get there.

It can get frustrating, at times, because what I’m fighting against, is myself. It’s my perception of me. And quite frankly, if there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s probably that the way I see the world? And myself in it? Mostly not quite the same as the way it actually is.

2. Books

  1. Read at least 100 books
  2. Finish at least 3 of my Reading Challenges
  3. Read at least 10 books in French
  4. Read at least 10 books in Dutch
  5. Read a book I’ve been postponing for way too long
  6. Read a classic I’ve wanted to read for ages
  7. Buy at least one book a month
  8. Read 17 books I own, but haven’t read yet
  9. Start and finish 3 books in one day
  10. Read every day, even if it’s just a page
  11. Plan to read, rather than read to procrastinate
  12. Get over myself and count the fanfictions I read for my reading challenges? Because god knows I read enough of it that it probably should
  13. Finish 3 series I started but didn’t finish

I’m thinking maybe next year I just give myself 11 goals under each categories. Apparently that’s all I can handle 🙂

But, yeah, book-wise this was a pretty okay year. Not that many books I absolutely loved, but not too many horrible ones either. Reading was definitely an escapism-thing, this past year, more so than it has been in a long while.

A lot of book-content, though, this year. And that’s largely due to the fact that I finally got myself put together enough to dare apply for Netgalley. It’s been pretty fun, to say the least!

3. School / work

  1. Keep up the blog I had to start for my Masters in journalism
  2. Take at least one night off of schoolwork every week
  3. Finish my masters’ dissertation before June
  4. Kick butt at my journalism internship
  5. Show initiative at my journalism internship
  6. Kick butt at my teaching internship
  7. Graduate from my Masters in  journalism
  8. Graduate from my teaching degree
  9. Get an interview for a job that I maybe think I’m not good enough for
  10. Get my first job
  11. Save at least 1/3 of what I earn with that first job
  12. Network – I’ll need it if I ever actually want to get a job
  13. Remind myself daily that I am not how well (or awful– because that’s the one I’m worried about) I do at school / work

Quite frankly, this has probably been the bit that influenced everything else the most. I mean, I know I’ve mentioned this probably too much already. I wrote an entire series on it, for Merlin’s sake!

But, yeah. It’s been a journey. A something. A rollercoaster with more twists than I thought could fit in any one day. Just check out the series if you want to know more 🙂

4. Blog

  1. Write at least 3 posts every week
  2. Write at least 1 book review every month
  3. Start (and finish) at least 1 new series this year
  4. Participate in Blog-mas 2017
  5. Do a collaboration with another blogger?
  6. Participate in at least one Twitter chat a week
  7. Actively pin at least one day every week
  8. Get at least one Instagram post out every week
  9. Always make sure to have at least 2 posts out of 3 written a week before they have to go online
  10. Finalise tweeking the way my blog looks
  11. Try and get a sponsored post?
  12. Try and get an ARC?
  13. Keep loving blogging

So I have some work on this front, right? I mean, I did a lot of things I didn’t think would be possible this year. I started a new series, did a collaboration. I even got 6 or 7 ARC’s! Quite frankly, that’s all amazing.

But maybe it’s just that I’m a bit perfectionist, or I aim too high… I don’t know. But it’s been a bit hard sitting myself to blog lately. I don’t know if it’s the time of year, if it’s all the drama I’ve had going on… Maybe I’ll write more on it later, but for now: the blog is a working point. Something to figure out, if you will.

What were your goals for 2017? And how did you fair on them? Any in particular that went exceptionally well? Or do  you, like me, have some that were more disappointing than you expected? Be sure to let me know below!


PS: Happy New Year!

PPS: If you want to follow along on the journey of these 52 (seriously – what was I thinking?) goals, be sure to go ahead and check out the tag 🙂