Lifestyle,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #33: Favorite Family-Tubers

Every Wednesday, I post a list of 5 random things – this week, 5 of my favorite Family-Tubers.

You all know the drill by now, I’m sure – I’m way too good at procrastination, Youtube is just about my go-to method in doing so, and every single series of exams, I end up with more youtubers I’m following – and these last couple of times, it’s been just about all family-tubers…

So here are some of my favorite ones!

1. CuteGirlsHairstyles and Brooklyn and Bailey

Although these two channels aren’t technically family-bloggers as such, they are the family that first got me into “watching families on Youtube” – big time 🙂

2. Daily Bumps

So photo shoot-“episodes” are an excellent way to introduce a family – and this is the family through which I first became familiar with the whole concept of daily family vloggers – and I seriously love this family, they have such a great bond!

3. Nat and Wes and the Rest


So apart from the fact that these twins are basically the cutest thing ever – their laughter! that giggle! It’s kinda scary that this couple is approximately one year older than I am and they have their life together so well – but, well, really, good for them, and at least I get to enjoy along in short bits and bobs 🙂

4. Ellie and Jared


I came across these guys via Daily Bumps and they’re actually pretty similar – and they added another daily vlog to my daily to-watch-list – I needed / wanted it! 🙂

5. The Johnson Fam

So… Another vlog I happened upon through Daily Bumps -again, pretty similar, and pretty darn great!

So there you have it – my 5 favourite family-tubers! Do you also watch these? Do you have any other vlogging / blogging families I might follow? Be sure to let me know below!


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