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52 Goals July Update

And we’re back with another month of too little time, too much to do! In case that didn’t make it clear enough? The 52 goals July update? It consists mainly of: “I hope to be better next month”. At which point I’ll probaby yet again have too much to do… None the less: here’s the update!

1. Personal

Eeehm… You know how I was meant to take at least one night off every two weeks? I managed to somehow push all the missed nights into these past two weeks. I’ve been doing the Booktube-a-thon, I’ve begun and finished all three seasons of The Flash in a week, I’ve slept a lot, played a ridiculous amount of stupid Facebook games… And somehow, I’m still finding myself feeling kind of stressed.


I guess old habits die hard? But hey, I should be going on a nice and relaxing holiday, this month. So at least there’s that!

As for the random little bits I wanted to do this year? I did bake something new this month – which I absolutely hated, but most other people seemed to love. And I’ve certainly been trying new recipes and new teas! So far though? Nothing can beat my old

2. Books

As I already said before: I’ve been doing the Booktube-a-thon. And that did end up helping me with my Reading Challenges! For Goodreads, I’m only like two books away from my goal as I’m writing this. The actual amount of books I’ve read, though? Already passed that number! I’m slowly getting to the point where I’m actually reading more books I already own, so that’s a good one, and I have been reading every single day, this month.

Yay progress!

3. School / work

I mean, I’m done with my internship. I passed all my exams. And I distinctly do not want to talk about this anymore than just those few phrases. I’m on a break!

4. Blog

Now here’s, maybe, the best news: I started a new series! Yay! Sure, it’s about the fun times I’m having, trying to survive graduation, but, you know… A new series is a new series? And I’ve also started writing the first couple of Christmas-post ideas… (Yes, still counting down to the end of summer and the beginning of fall, even if I have no idea how either of those are actually going to be, this first non-school season!)

And there you have it, that’s my 52 goals July update! Not that much has happened, actually. It was mainly just finishing up my internship and then sleeping. I had like 6 years to catch up on ?

How have your goals been going? Any specific victories or back settings, this month? Be sure to let me know below!


52 Goals

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