Weekly Lists #156: Favourite Blogposts October 2018
October was not fun this year. Well, you know. It was okay. But it just didn’t feel like October. On the 13th, it was 26°C. Those are the kind of temperatures we’re usually hoping for for…
About Books #60: The Manifesto on How to be Interesting
So you know how in Mean Girls, the popular clique must be infiltrated? Now imagine that as a scientific experiment. Voila, you’ve got The Manifesto on How to be Interesting. Only, you know. Probably…
Weekly Lists #155: Favorite Modern Classics
Fact: calling a book a “classic” has little to nothing to do with the age of a book. It is basically just a way of saying “this one is for the ages”. Sure, that…
Travel Diaries: Cologne 2017
I’m catching up! Finally! This post is only being published a year after I actually went to Cologne (I know, it’s crazy!). So, during the autumn break, the whole family took a couple…
New Releases: November 2018
You guys, please tell me I’m not the only one excited for the holidays? I mean, sure, I know, it’s still like two months away… But, you know… I’m still not completely recovered…
Weekly Lists #154: Series BookTube Made Me Read!
I feel like it’s been a while since I did one of those “Youtube Made me Do It” posts, but here you have it. The series booktube made me read! 1. Percy Jackson…
About Books #59: What’s Love Got To Do With It
One of the main reasons I really liked Gilmore Girls, was the banter. The way Lorelai and Luke especially could constantly one-up each other? Goals. There’s a reason Lauren Graham’s book was called…
About Books #58: Come Away With Me
Here’s one of the things I really want to do some day: go on a cruise. Preferably somewhere in the general direction of Scandinavia but – honestly? Any cruise would be good. Oh,…