My 2016 Fall and Winter TBR
You know what – I know that fall has technically already been going on for a couple of months. But for me, the ‘real’ fall doesn’t actually start until my term has been going for at least a week. And because I don’t actually get a real winter break (just a 3 week-period where I’m supposed to get all my courses studied) my TBR for fall just sort of tends to run into the beginning of winter – and turns into a fall and winter TBR!
(Of course, then I usually tend to end up having a separate darkest-moments-of-winter-TBR, but that’s a post for later!)
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Now, yes, my TBR is basically constantly a gazillion different books, and it’s constantly being added to. But for every term, there’s just those couple of books (well, I say couple) that I really want to read at that point in time. And these are just the perfect cosy books that, for me, fit the feeling of fall and winter perfectly!
1. The Chronicles of Narnia
This is definitely a series I go back to every fall, if nothing else because they just speak of such cosiness to me. I already mentioned these in my Christmas Books list as well, but that’s because I can never decide whether I love this one more for winter or for fall ๐
I figure pretty much everybody knows what these books are about by now, so I won’t go into that. But let me tell you: this series, a fire and some hot cocoa? Perfection!
2. Harry Potter
Same as last time, I don’t expect anybody to be surprised this series is in this list. Let me just tell you once more: First September at Hogwarts? I’ll sign up for that!
3. The Little White Horse
I only just now realised that there’s actually a recurring theme with these 4 first books. I don’t really care whether I read them or watch their adaptation – I just love their story!
For this one, I even saw the movie before I ever knew it was based on a book, and I fell absolutely in love with the story! There’s just something about these kind of tales – a girl suddenly finds herself in a world she never knew existed – that grabs me every single time. In this particular case, the main character (Lyra) is also incredibly sassy. That the other characters are some of the strangest collection of people I’ve ever encountered just makes the reading experience that much more pleasant!
I have to admit, though, that I would probably advise you to watch the movie first – something which I usually never do! It features Dakota Blue Richards and, although some elements were changed, it actually does an admirable job of bringing across the atmosphere of The Secret Of Moonacre!
4. Sense and Sensibility
Now, I know I keep saying that Persuasion is my absolute favourite Jane Austen book – and it is. However, when it comes to books to read in the fall and/or winter, Sense and Sensibility is definitely the one I keep finding myself going to.
It’s probably to do with the fact that I had to read it for my last class of English Literature in my first year of university. That class took place the day after some friends and I had a sleep over to celebrate Christmas. It was just 1 day before the start of my first Christmas break at university, we were all giggly because of our lack of sleep, and it was just generally a great class. Anyways, ever since then, this book has been my Jane Austen-winter favourite. And I really can’t wait to read it again in just a bit!
5. Anne of Green Gables (4-8)
Now, it’s probably become obvious by now that I take fall and winter as an excellent chance to reread some of my old “cosy” classics. However, I do also tend to try to get some new books in. Of course, at least some of those have to be Christmas- or winter-themed. That isn’t the case for this one though.
Although I have read the first 3 books in this series, I never seemed to be able to get to the other ones. My goal this autumn and winter is to (hopefully) finally get that done – let’s see how that works out ๐
6. Tess Brookes Series
So for my birthday my sister gave me a gift card for the Sterling Books bookshop in Brussels, and of course as soon I was fully installed in my new appartement, I just had to go there! One of the books I bough there was “A Girl’s Best Friend”, the third book in this series.
Now, I didn’t actually know it was a series when I bought this one. As soon as I Goodreads-searched it though, I added the entire series to my TBR. I don’t know much about this series, other than that Lindsey Kelk has an admirable ability to write women that are almost cringe-inducingly awkward Knowing that, I can’t wait to see what this series’ll be like!
7. The Boy Next Door
This is another one I bought while in Sterling Books and the idea is just mushy enough that I feel like I’ll love reading it.
I mean, it has ice skating, unlikely love and people fighting against their feelings – what more could I need for a nice and fluffy winter read?
8. Cathy Kelly’s Secrets of a Happy Marriage and Between Sisters
If you read my Favourite Chicklit List, you know that I love Cathy Kelly, so of course her 2 latest works couldn’t be missing on this list.
I’m actually almost embarrassed I haven’t read Between Sisters yet. Considering that Secrets of a Happy Marriage will be published tomorrow – that’s the 8th of October for those of you reading this a bit later – I guess I couldn’t really be expected to have read it already ๐
9. You And Me, Always
Another one based on my list of favourite chicklit, this is the most recent of Jill Mansell’s work, and I just know I’m going to love it!
10. Every Time a Bell Rings
Now, I really only feel the need to say exactly one thing concerning this book: it’s based on It’s a Wonderful Life. What more do you need to know? (Or, well, at least that was enough to get me to want to read it!)
11. The Twelve Dates of Christmas
So I realise that this one is basically every romantic Christmas clichรฉ rapped into one single story, but, you know what? I love that!
I already read Catherine Hapka’s Ex-Mas Games and absolutely loved its fluffiness, so I’m actually really looking forward to (hopefully) reading this one as well!
(Also: long live Holiday Fluffiness!)
Anyways, there you have it: 10 books (and then some) that are on my fall- and winter TBR this year. What are some of the books you definitely want to read these coming months? Be sure to let me know below!