
2017 Reading Challenges: June Update

I love my internship. It’s fun, it allows me to write entire days, I can interview and meet new people. However, it also takes up a lot of my time. And because of that, I haven’t been able to read as much as I’d have wanted to. None the less, here’s my 2017 Reading Challenges June Update!


What I’ve been reading, then? Glad that you asked!

  1. The Accidental Bond, kb0
  2. Meet Me at Beachcomber Bay, Jill Mansell: Goodreads, PopSugar
  3. More Than This, Patrick Ness: Christian, Goodreads, PopSugar
  4. Healing You, Katana Collins: Goodreads
  5. Secrets of a Happy Marriage, Cathy Kelly: Christian, Goodreads, PopSugar
  6. Five on a Treasure Island, Enid Blyton: Goodreads, PopSugar
  7. Five Go Adventuring Again, Enid Blyton: Goodreads
  8. Five Run Away Together, Enid Blyton: Goodreads
  9. Five Go to Smuggler’s Top, Enid Blyton: Goodreads
  10. De ondergang van het Britse koningshuis, Susan Blackhall & Nigel Blundell: Christian, Goodreads, PopSugar
  11. Prinsessen: Maxima, Mathilde en acht andere jonge Europese prinsessen, Catarina Hurtig: Goodreads
  12. William & Kate: The Love Story: A Celebration of the Wedding of the Century, Robert Jobson: Christian, Goodreads, PopSugar
  13. Dans met Mij, Jojo Moyes: Goodreads
  14. Carry On, Rainbow Rowell: Goodreads, PopSugar
  15. Bet Me, Jennifer Crusie: Goodreads

As you can see, I’m doing this montha little bit different. Behind each title, you can see which challenges it counted for. If you want to know which prompt of the challenge that goes along with, you can also check out my Reading Challenges 2017 post!


Probably my favorite read of the entire month were Jill Mansell and Cathy Kelly. They just have that something that makes me happy, you know? Quite on the other end of the spectrum: Dans Met Mij, known as The Horse Dancer in English. Suffice it to say: I did not finish it, I felt absolutely no regrets in not finishing it, and it was just utterly disappointing.

Apart from the chicklit and that one disappointment, this month was mainly marked by some good old nostalgic reading and some royal reading. Nostalgia first: by now, I think that just about everybody knows I really like Enid Blytons books? Reading them just transports me right back to the moment I first read them. The royal reading… Well, I have this thing for royal families, you know? They basically seem to be something from the movies, or the stories. And, so, you know. I read one on European princesses, one on the supposed downfall of the British royal house and finally one on the story of William and Kate. Because, you know. why not?

I haven’t really managed to get anything done for the Modern Mrs Darcy Challenge, which I’m hoping to get around to next month. If nothing else, I should have more time to read during the last weeks of July. Because I’m getting to the last couple of prompts for that one, I have to get a bit more specific on what I’m reading. Luckily, I get the time and place to do that when I don’t have as many other things to do. In other words: looking forward to freedom!

And there you have it, that’s the 2017 Reading Challenges June Update done. Be sure to let me know below what you’ve been reading this past month!



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