Blogging,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #91: Favorite Blogposts June

It’s time for another round up of some of the posts I’ve been loving most this month! I have to admit: I haven’t been able to read blogs as often as I’ve wanted to. I did get to interview three bloggers for my internship, though! Despite my not-reading-blogs, I got kind of a lot of entries for my favorite blogposts June edition. And I may or may not have cheated a little bit, and there’s secretly more than just 5. If you don’t count ’em, neither will I, deal?

1. Blair Blogs

Ugly Crying and Lessons Learned | June: Rooted

So she’s basically a regular in this series by now, right? Basically: I really get a lot of what she talks about in this video, especially because going to college completely uprooted me. For this series, Blair from Blair Blogs has been trying to be more rooted in the small town she’s moved to. This post and the accompanying video not only had me going oh yeah, but it actually had me in tears because I felt so bad, yet at the same time hopeful, for her.

Bonus 1: Blair Blogs

5 Things I’m Not Doing This Summer

Because Blairblogs has both a ton of posts every month and also is really good at writing what I feel or want to do. And also: this is probably a list of things on which I might just have to cut myself some slack, you know?

2. A Pair and a Spare

Because, well… Tea.

Nuf said.

3. Rhianna Olivia

How much should you be charging for sponsored blog and social media content?

One of my goals for this summer is to, as soon as my internship is done, maybe finally who knows if life will cooperate, get some stuff done both on and with the blog. This post might just be useful for that, you know?

Bonus 2: Queen of all you see


If you require more tips on the whole blog tip: so do I. Here’s another post that goes into that 🙂

4. Modern Mrs Darcy

What’s your reading personality?

For those who might be interested: I’m an escapist reader. Let’s be real – nothing surprising there, but the recommendations based on my type of reader were interesting!

5. S Marks the Spots


This is one of  the bloggers I got to interview.


Also: I definitely need more things to read. Right? Right.

Bonus 3: The Style Playground

Another blogger I got to interview. The post that actually made me discover this blog – because it was posted on my birthday last year, and I had to retake an exam then and I read for escapism (remember?) and so I went looking for more blogs and/or books to read. What can I say 🙂

(For those who might be interested and might find themselves in Brussels with or without children: the third blogger I interviewed was A Mother in the City. She has great taste in meeting spots and a lot of tips on things you can do in the capital of  Europe when you have kids with you. Trust me, it’s not always easy 🙂 )

And there you have it, that’s some of my favourite blogposts June edition sorted! Be sure to let me know what blogposts you’ve been loving down below! Were there any of mine? 🙂


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