Book Tags #9: The Aesthetically Pleasing Book Tag
So I recently discovered this new blog, the Dreamland Book Blog, and I absolutely love it. You see, not only is Beatrice from Sweden (love that country!), she has a ton of book tags. Perfect inspiration for me, right? So here’s one that I came across on her page, that I’d never heard of before: the Aesthetically Pleasing Book Tag. Sounds perfect!
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1. Best color combo on a book cover
I love purple and pinks, and the way in which those were combined just makes this cover seem cosy. I mean, I don’t really know how else to describe it? Also, it’s Mary Poppins, that helps, of course.
2. Best typography/font on a book cover
The writing on Mary Poppins could definitely count for this as well, but I just lvoe the way the titels are painted on in this entire edition. You basically get 8 books (I think? I don’t have the box set with me here) ànd the box with gorgeouswriting in one go!
3. Best simple cover
Sure, this one is mainly “simple” as in: they’re all exactly the same? But you know what? I’m always a fan of consistency. And at least they didn’t change the lay out half-way through a series or something 🙂
4. Best endpages
I mean, you know, it’s stars. That are gold. And they’re on a green background. And I really love it?
(Also: yes, that is Fantastic Beasts and where to find it)
5. Best map
I can’t find my edition of this one anywhere, but the map in the Dutch edition of the Chronicles of Narnia? Amazing!
6. Best naked hardback
Any of these editions – they’re that beautiful fabric that’s at the same time soft and hard. They have golden letters. The side of every page is gold. It’s basically the best thing ever.
7. Best back cover
I’m coming up blank on this one. Help?
8. Best chapter headers
Every. Single. Chapter. Header. From the Harry Potter books. Those are amazing.
9. Best illustrations
The illustrations in this series of editions of Pippi Longstocking? Goals. Like, seriously, they’re amazing and they truly make the story come to live. What more could I need?
10. Best spine
All of these together – I love it when there’s uniformity throughout a series!
11. Favorite cover on your shelves
12. Tag 3 friends to do this tag
Considering that this tag has been around for a while, I’m just going to invite you, whoever you are, to do it. If you haven’t already done it, that is. Be sure to let me know below if you have, and to link to it though!