About Books #13: Her Best Match
Oh, I’m just loving the chick lit these days! Seriously, the best thing to do after an emotionally and mentally draining period like exams? Read all the chick lit. Also, sleep a lot, but that’s neither here nor there. Anyways, as far as perfect chick lit goes to read for relaxation? Tamie Dearen’s Her Best Match is pretty high up there!
Now, I actually got this version for free as well – remember my last About Books, where I explained about Kobo and BookBub? Yeah, same system, same gain! (I mean, I don’t know about you, but a free book is always a win in my books 🙂 )
Again, Goodreads is my friend for these things:
“Anne Best was bored with her life in Texas. But when this feisty forty-five year old starts a new life in the Big Apple working for Gherring Inc., she stumbles into more adventure than she bargained for.
Billionaire Steven Gherring always makes the Most Eligible Bachelors list, but he’s given up looking for love.
Gherring’s grandmother, known to everyone as Gram, is on a not-so-secret campaign to find a wife for her grandson.
When veteran matchmaker, Anne Best, joins forces with Gram to find a match for Gherring, passions rise along with hemlines.
Will they find a match for Gherring?
And will Anne take a chance on love? ”
Now, I’ll let you take an educated guess as for the replies on that last one. But yes, imagine all the cliches? That’s probably this book 🙂
The main character, Anne Best, can be best described in two terms: very Texan, and very whiplash-y. That is, she tends to go from feisty to shy back to passionate in two seconds or less, and as such confuses everybody around her – herself included. That being said, in the circumstances this book throws at her? I can actually kind of understand that. Apart from very Texan, she’s also one of those universal mother-types. You know the type: no matter where they are, they tend to see the good in everyone and as such want to help everyone. And as a result, naturally, they can be quite blind to what’s going on (or might be going on) in there own (love) live.
Her chosen partner in crime in this one is Steven Gherring – and he too seems to tick all the boxes. Tragic backstory, loving relationship with his grandma, who raised him, a wall around his heart that can’t be broken.
In many ways, however, it’s the background characters that really got me into this story. Sure, Anne sees possible matches everywhere, but those people she couples serve for much more than just some decoration in the background of her story. It’s them that really added the colour that made this book stick for me. And luck be upon us – this book is part of a series where the author does that blessed thing of actually showing us what happens to these characters as well!
(And yes, naturally I’m really looking forward to reading all of those 🙂 )
Overall: 4/5
I really went back and forth between 3 and 4 stars for this one, mainly because I know it’s so cliché-filled that I probably shouldn’t have loved it as much as I did. However, Tamie Dearen managed to put a lovely spin on all those clichés, and I ended up laughing out loud enough that the bf was starting to think I was a bit crazy. (As if he didn’t already long know I am :p ) This really was just a lovely story, quite the quick and fluffy read, even with its 425 pages, and it offered me the perfect amount of all the feels and just pure, summer-like relaxation. If you’re looking for either of those? I’d definitely recommend this one 🙂
And if you’re now thinking that you might just actually want to read Her Best Match, you can find it at thebookdepository! (affiliate link)