Books,  Christmas,  Holidays

My 2018 Christmas & Winter TBR

It’s that time of year again! No more hiding away, or pretending I’m fine with just “normal times”. The full-blown Christmas-craziness that is me can finally come forward! As per the usual, I’ll be participating in Blogmas again (this is my 4th go, you guys! The 4th time I’m putting myself through this!)

One of my favourite posts to write for this, is always my TBR for these cosy, cold months. Honestly, the colder period is my favourite out of the entire year… So, you know… I’ve been looking forward to some of these books for about 10 months. Let’s get right into my 2018 Christmas & Winter TBR!

The obligatory

Honestly, I don’t even want to think about this bit, I don’t have too much of a choice. Because, you know… I’m a teacher. And whether I like it or not, the run-up to Christmas? Also the run-up to exam-season. Which means I need to prep, and prep, and prep some more. And go through all my manuals. Make sure my students know everything they’re supposed to. And, you know… Making exams. So let’s not think about those. But yes, I’m definitely reading a lot of obligatory things in the coming months!

The old-time favourites

This is a bit of a recurring theme – I love going back to some of my old school favourites whenever the days get colder. I don’t really know what it is about those days that makes me yearn for *simpler days*, but nonetheless, it happens every year. There’s some that are in here every year, like the good old Astrid Lindgrens and Little Women. That last one is – to this day – one of my all time favourite Christmas classics.

This fall I actually got to rediscover some older favourites through their translations into English. Let me tell you – if you’re in the need for a great plot, adventure and world building? Definitely check out Tonke Dragt’s The Letter for the King and The Secrets of the Wild Wood!

Another series I only really got back into this year, are the Chrestomanchi-books by Diana Wynne Jones. As it so happens, she has another series I’ve been meaning to get back into, the Dalemark-series. So that one is definitely I’m hoping to get back into. Well, knowing me and TBR’s? Not a good history – so we’ll see…

The cosy and fluffy

Just in case you’re new to this blog: hi. My name is Saar and I love Christmas romance maybe a bit too much. So it’s only logical that I’d be wanting to read some of it, right? There’s some books I read and loved last year that I really want to give a reread. Then there’s the books that have been lying around, waiting for the time for me to read them. Well, that time is now. And then, of course… there’s the numerous christmas books just waiting on my goodreads tbr. It’s quite problematic and I should probably sort through them a bit. For now, though? I want to read them all. Oops?

Anyway, what are you planning on reading these coming months? Be sure to let me know below! And be sure to check out the rest of my Christmas-tag, and to come back for the rest of this year’s blogmas. Amongst other things – there’s a lot of Christmas romance reviews coming up 😉
