
What to read: Modern Mrs Darcy Reading Challenge

This is one of those things I’ve seen across the web quite a lot. The kind of post that makes you think: I wish I would’ve thought of that. But you know what, if there’s one good thing about blogging? It’s that just about everything has been done before. So why not jump on the bandwagon, and give you all a fun overview? Here’s what I’ll be reading for the Modern Mrs Darcy Reading Challenge

Now, let’s be real – there’s an honest chance this might all turn upside down. But if nothing else, I’m hoping I might have given some of you some inspiration for one of these prompts?

Multiple choice

  • A book by a favourite author:
    1. Harry Potter
      I have a yearly reread of at least some of these books, so this is one I can be fairly sure I’ll get done. Plus, you know: any chance to read Harry Potter again, right?
    2. Pippi Longstocking
      Or anything else by Astrid Lindgren, really. This is my go-to author for when I’m really, really stressed. And if this last term is anything to go by? There’s a definite chance I’ll be needing it again this coming term!
  • A book recommended by a librarian or indie bookseller:
    1. Chrestomanci
      I first started reading this book because my favourite librarian recommended it to me. I’d sort of grown out of the series before I ever got round to the last couple of books, though, so this year I’m planning on rereading the entire thing. With the newest ones, naturally!
    2. Dalemark series
      Same reasoning as the above, only I have already read the entire series. Nothing to stop me from having a lot of fun with a re-read, though, right?
  • A banned book:
    1. The Diary of a Young Girl (Anne Frank)
      I read this one when I was 13 or 14 because we briefly discussed it in our Dutch class. Looking back now, I’m not completely sure I really got the book, though, so I would like to reread it.
    2. Animal Farm
      I’ve been meaning to read this book since I was 17 and some of my friends discussed it for a group-project for Dutch class. I know the story, of course, but – as is the case with The Diary of Anne Frank – I don’t think that necessarily gives me all the nuance of the tale. Here’s to reading it in 2018, in other words!
    3. The Hate U Give
      I read somewhere that this book has been banned by a couple of schools, so I’m totally counting that one as belonging to this category. Plus, it’s just an important book to read, I feel like. You know what I mean?

Definitely this book (probably)

  • A classic you’ve been meaning to read: Anne of Green Gables
    I mentioned this one in my “Books I’m looking forward to” post as well. I’ve started this series so many times, but I’ve never actually made it beyond the first two books. This year, I would love to actually finish it!
  • A book of poetry, a play, or an essay collection: The Princess saves herself in this one
    Another book I’ve been meaning to read for absolute ages, but just never have gotten around to. One of my goals for this year is to read more poetry as is, so I’m hoping that this one will fit right into that goal as well!
  • A book you can read in a day: Andrea, Leo Stearny
    You guys, one of my best friends wrote a book! It’s in Dutch, so I doubt it’s going to be a lot of use for most of you. But I did finish it in one day!
  • A book that’s more than 500 pages
    1. A short history of nearly everything
    2. At home: a short history of family life
      I technically already got this one done, as I finished both of these (and started the second one) in the first week of January. Yay for library-deadlines forcing you to get your reading done!
  • A book by an author of a different race, ethnicity, or religion than you own:
    Cécile (Ish Ait Hamou)
    Another goal of mine was to read more books that were written by someone from Belgium – so hopefully, if I get to this one, I’ll get to scratch that off my list as well!

Awaiting more information

  • A book nominated for an award in 2018
    I’ll wait it out for this one, and see which books do get nominated!
  • A book recommended by someone with great taste
    I mean, I just have to wait for that recommendation, right? It’ll probably be someone on Tumblr or Youtube, though… Knowing me 🙂
  • A book in translation
    A couple of the books for previous categories could probably be counted for this one as well, but I’m keeping my eyes open for something extra!
  • A book nominated for an award in 2018
    I’ll wait it out for this one, and see which books do get nominated
  •  A memoir, biography, or book of creative nonfiction:
    I mean, this depends to such a large extent on what I’m in the mood for… And also, I don’t think I’ve that many memoirs or biographies on my TBR, right now. Any tips?

If you have any tips or recommendations for that last category, please do let me know below! Or just in general: if you think there’s one I listed above that I should definitely read? Tell me!

(And while you’re down there anyways: what are you going to be reading this year? 🙂 )
