Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #114: Ways to Procrastinate

No, of course I’m not writing this post just because I’d been procrastinating for ages and as such had no idea what to write this post about! Well, maybe a little. Just a tad 🙂 None the less, here’s 5 of my favorite ways to procrastinate (because yes, that’s a thing!)

1. Facebook- and phone-games

So at some point this weekend I realised I had been playing the same silly game for approximately 4 hours.

Mind you, I was supposed to be writing out an exam. Which had a deadline Sunday night. Yeah, not my smartest decision, I know.

But, I don’t know, once you get started playing Tetris Battle or Solitaire Blast. No, just me? Okay then…

2. Twitter

Look, once you start following blogger retweet accounts, your Twitter becomes a certain something of a something. I mean, by the time you get like 3 scrolls down, there’s like 20 new tweets as well. And then, to top it off, I’m the type of person that’s entirely “too impressionable” (quote the bf). If I see a link that sounds interesting, I’m going to be reading it. And I just loose all my time liek that.

3. Youtube

More specifically all the vloggers, barbershop quartets, the Try Guys (yay Buzzfeed!), all the vloggers (did I mention this already? :p ), a gazillion different renditions of the same musical song (Ich gehör nur mir and One Day More – I’m looking at you!)

4. Buzzfeed

This is probably the biggest reason for my procrastination – I mean, sure you can click on just one link on Facebook. But then there’s another at the bottom of that article, and a next one in the following article and then before you know it you’re 5 pages deep into conspiracy theories and the Mandela effect and you don’t really know how you got there, but it’s amazing.

And then you go back to Facebook, and it has adapted itself to the articles you read while at Buzzfeed and the third post you see is another Buzzfeed. That you really want to read.

5. This song

I was introduced to the very term “procrastination” by this song. Musical. Thingy. Just watch it, mkay?

So what’s your favourite way to procrastinate? And what’s the number one thing to get you to want to procrastinate? Let me know below!
