Books,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #55: 5 More Favourite YA-Books

So, I know I already wrote a post on my favourite YA-books. And another one on my favourite fluffy YA-books. And yet another one on my favourite YA-books that make me cry. But you know what? I still have more books of YA that I absolutely love – so of course I was going to be writing another post about them!

I’ve opted not to choose any particular category this time, just because the books I’ve been loving lately have been so varied. So here you have it: a list of 5 totally random favourite YA-books!

1. Girl Hearts Girl, Lucy Sutcliffe


So I’m not entirely sure to what extent this book is actually YA- or adult-literature. Because it’s definitely a coming of age story, though, I decided to group it in with YA. i already wrote a more “thorough” review of it, but let me just repeat here: this book is amazing.

It has love, it has heart break, it has laughter – and best of all? It’s basically an autobiography!


2. The War of the Witches, Maithe Carranza

So this is actually a series that I first mentioned in my response to the Doctor Who Book Tag. After writing about it there, I couldn’t get it out of my head and as such it actually ended up being the inspiration behind this post!

The premises is actually quite difficult to explain so suffice it for me to tell you these 3 things: coming of age / wizardry / deceit and discovery. That’s basically the entire series, and it’s amazing!


3. The Selection

From a series about magic to a magical series… (and yes I am sorry, but I needed a transition!) So this series is not something you should read if you’re in the mood for a book that will make you think. However, if you want a book that’s nice and fluffy, yet has enough content to make it actually enjoyable to read? This is your pick!

And again: it’s a series, so there’s actually like almost 10 books to read, I think! Personally, I liked the last two slightly less than the others, but hey, no reason to live to me, right?


4. The Ashbury / Brookfield series

So yet another series, yay! This one is quite different from the other two, though, in that it is purely realistic (and romantic, of course, and even a bit of mystery!) and in that the 3 parts can actually be read as stand-alones. That being said, however, I would advise you to get all three of them. The recurring characters make for a pleasant reading experience and the writing style in general of this author is just really pleasant and makes for very easy reading!

(In other words: if you want something quick and easy – but watch out the books are quite big – this is your series!)


5. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

I was actually kind of inspired for this one by the previous series, because I started reading both of them at almost the exact same moment – basically: they’re kind of intertwined in my head. These books may have been made into beautiful movies, the story in those movies did vary quite a bit from the original story and I have to admit: I liked the book better. The lessons the characters learn about friendship, life, love and family really did stick with me. And – cliché though that may sound – I cried when the series was “done”.

Of course, then the actual last book came out and I cried even more (spoiler alert: it will break your heart!) All in all though, this is probably one of the first YA-series I ever read, and even if just for that: I absolutely still love it!

So there you have it, 5 more of my favourite YA-books – as always: be sure to let me know any of yours!


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