Christmas Songs
If there’s one thing you should know about me and my love for Christmas? It’s probably that I love Christmas music. So even though I already listed some seasonal music two years ago. And…
Christmas Pyjamas: a wish-list
Now, sure, I’m aware that I only just announced we don’t really do those here in Belgium. However. However. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to do Christmas pyjamas. Basically anyone can tell you I…
My 2017 Christmas-TBR
The first week of Blog-mas has boiled down to absolute madness. Counting teaching, tutoring, preparing exams (which I finally got to hand in this past Friday – FREEDOM!), preparing for classes and correcting…
About Books #33: Winter at Cedarwood Lodge
Am I going totally crazy on the Christmas books? Maybe. Do I regret that for even a second? Absolutely not. The latest addition (thanks, Netgalley!) is Winter at Cedarwood Lodge and – if…
Favorite Christmas Quotes
So this might sound like such a random thing – quotes? Sure, there are some for Christmas. But to write an entire post about it? But here’s the thing: Christmas is like the period…