Weekly Lists #93: Things to Love about Summer
It’s not really a secret that I’m not particularly fond of summer. Too much sun, too much heat… Too little things to do. (Yes, I’m that kind of a person.) And still, there’s definitely…
My 2017 Spring-TBR
So Winter is officially over, which means it’s time for a new post on what books I want to read. Let’s be honest though – this is my Spring TBR. It’s not like…
My favorite Spring-printables!
So with spring just about in the country (btw, not a good thing for me, hay fever comes along with it), I definitely had to get rid of my Christmas printables. Quite honestly,…
What I Got for Christmas 2016
I promise you I’m not trying to brag, I just love reading these types of posts – I guess I’m just naturally too curious? Anyways, if you feel like you might be offended…
Merry Christmas!
Can you believe that Blog-mas 2016 is already at an end? It seems just yesterday I was trying to figure out how I was ever going to post something every day for 25 days!…
Christmas Eve Traditions
Christmas Eve this year is going to be quite a bit different than usual! For one thing, as you’re reading this, I’m taking an exam. Yes, that’s an exam on Saturday. On Christmas Eve.…
Gifts for Disney-fans
I once read somewhere: “the moment you realize you’ll never fully grow up, that’s the moment you’ve really become an adult.” If that’s true, than I’ve been a fully blown adult since I…