Weekly Lists #38: Favourite Face Products
Every week, I post a list of 5 random things – this week: 5 of my favourite face products! So, yes, not only did I write an entire post about some of my…
Weekly Lists #37: Favourite Book-Tubers
Every Wednesday, I post a list of 5 random things – this week: 5 of my favourite book-tubers! Recurring themes on this blog: my love for books, and my talent for procrastination through…
Weekly Lists #36: Healthy Snacks
Every Wednesday I post a list of 5 random things. This week: my favourite snacks, the healthy version! A while back, I posted about some of my favourite guilty snacks – the type…
Weekly Lists #34: Favourite Beauty Products
Every week I post a list of 5 random things – this week: my favourite beauty products. Now here’s a post I never thought I’d write! I have to admit (although I’m rather…
Monthly Updates #12: April: Favourite Bloggers
It took me a while, but finally we’ve reached a fifth Saturday of the month! Now, as I promised, this means a bonus round, and I have to admit: I had some trouble…
Weekly Lists #33: Favorite Family-Tubers
Every Wednesday, I post a list of 5 random things – this week, 5 of my favorite Family-Tubers. You all know the drill by now, I’m sure – I’m way too good at…
Monthly Updates #11: April Watchable
You know what? This past week has been a good one – I’d been really struggling to get anything done, school wise, since the end of February – and this week I wrote a whole…
Weekly Lists #32: Dorm Organization
Every Wednesday, I post a list of 5 random things. This week: how to keep your dorm organized. Now, this is my fifth year of university and living in a dorm, and every…