About Books #27: The Royal Wedding
It doesn’t happen too often that I review multiple books from the same author. So far, I think Kate Perry was the only exception to that rule, so far. Today, however, there’s another author to join those ranks. The most recent “About Books” was about The Royal Treatement, this week is about its sequel. Because, obviously, once you go royal… Well, you’ve got to have a royal wedding, right?
Quick disclaimer: I got the chance to read this book via Netgalley. All opinions are completely my own, though!
For my review of The Royal Treatment, I compared the book to The Princess Diaries and The Prince and Me. As chance would have it, both of those also have a sequal that is quite concerned with weddings. And as it so happens – that whole plot where there’s another person in the running for marying the prince? And they try to boycot the whole thing and so on and so forth? Also in this one!
“When most girls get engaged, at most they face a disapproving mother-in-law, but in Tessa Sharpe’s case, it’s a disapproving nation. No one in Avonia wants the former anti-royal blogger to wed Prince Arthur. The anti-royals haven’t forgiven her for abandoning ship and swimming over to the Prince’s yacht, and the royal watchers won’t ever forget all the horrible things she wrote about their beloved Royal Family.
Up against all odds, Tessa has only six months to prove herself worthy of the title of Princess. Her nasty father-in-law is going to throw every obstacle in her way, including the beautiful, poised, and highly accomplished Lady Doctor Brooke Beddingfield. But Tessa is determined to make this work and keep her fledgling career as a reporter intact. Will Tessa manage to fight her way down the aisle and find her Prince Charming waiting? Or will one of them succumb to mounting pressure and run the other way before they can say I do?”
Now, there’s some liberties taken with the story in this resume. For example, the role of the “nasty father-in-law” is really quite limited. But yes, that whole pressure thing… Lovely, isn’t it?
As was the case with the first book, the characters are really what make this book so fun. Because, with all the awkwardness and cringeworthiness that comes with that? They are real. I mean, there’s no chance I’m marrying a prince any time soon – but I still could so relate to Tessa!
A few general remarks though: we have a prince who will make a secret Twitter account to support his fiance.
We have a woman who will actually admit that she didn’t necessarily treat her parents the best.
Oh, and a grandma that, quite frankly, reminds me more than anything of this:
I mean, how’s that for a former queen? 🙂
Again, there’s some gems in there. “No mention of ‘conscious uncoupling'”, for starters.
Arthur, as was the case in the first book, was delightfully meta:
Oh, you’re probably wondering how I’ve become so sentimental. ‘Arthur, this doesn’t sound like you. You’re sarcastic and witty and debonair.’ Relax, I’ll get straight back to that as soon as the ceremony is over.
And Tessa, whom, quite frankly, I’ve never related to more than when she said this:
Then we turn to the minister who says a whole bunch of things about love and marriage and commitment that I miss because I’m thinking about how damn relieved I am to have gotten this far.
And, quite frankly, the book ends with the word “beginning” which is just so true.
Overall: 3.5/5
Look, there’s no surprises in this book. You know from the point that you open it, what the ending’s going to be like. You also know that there’s going to be laughter, giggling, and a lot of fluff. There’s even some walking in on people mid… Pulling their clothes back on.
If any or all of that sounds like it might be a fun read to you? I say you read it. (You can find it on Amazon! (affiliate link))I know I loved it 🙂