2020 Christmas Wishlist
Every year, I’m supposed to send my aunts and uncles my Christmas wishlist. And every year? Well, I stumble. Because, honestly – most of the things I want? I can just buy myself. So, if I don’t have it yet? I probably don’t really want (need) it that much. And every year? That ends up with me having to scramble to get enough things so that they have options – because, yes: I’m that person.
Not this year, though. This year, I was prepared. (I’m telling you, that whole bullet journal thing is really working out for me) And if all of those things fall into either food- or books-related? Well, again: I guess I’m that person. What can I do, right?
- A juicer: I bought a juicer this spring, and I already broke it. Oops? Either way, I’d like a new one please
- Pots and pans: because you can never have enough of these, right? Especially if, like me, you basically want a specific pan for every possible function. Or if, you know – your bf insists on handwashing your pans, and then only wants to do that like once every 3 days…
- Dutch Oven: because, again: I want a specific thing for every possible specific method of preparation.
- Rick Riordan: or at least, any of his books that I don’t own yet. Because of… personal reasons? Sure, that’ll work
- Sarra Manning: I’ve read a lot of her books, but I would love to have physical copies of at least a couple of them – specifically You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, Nine Uses For An Ex-Boyfriend, Unsticky, and It Felt Like a Kiss. These 4 all sort of tie into each other, and I always love getting to see how a character is doing after “their story” is done. And of course: I just remember really loving these stories when I first read them…
- A giant gift card so I can buy all the e-books I want – I’m trying to limit my purchases through the “too big stores” like Amazon, or more locally: bol.com, but I also want to keep reading. And unfortunately, buying e-books from not-Amazon or not-bol tends to be slightly more expensive. In other words: gift cards are very very welcome!
And that’s it, really. I mean, maybe some cash so we could buy a drying machine might be nice – if only because I really don’t like hanging up the laundry. But you know, other than that? I really can’t think of anything I particularly want this year.
What’s on your Christmas wishlist though? Any particular gifts you’re really hoping to see under the tree? Be sure to let me know below!