Christmas,  Holidays

Have a Relaxing Christmas

A contradictio in terminis: a relaxing Christmas. It probably shouldn’t be the case, but I’ve noticed that for many people, the holidays are anything but a calming period. There’s the gifts, the social pressure, the “must be happy”… And at times, it can be quite overwhelming. Here’s 4 tips to have yourself a merry relaxing Christmas!

Say no

Say no to anything you don’t really want (or have) to do. Whether that be holiday parties, family get togethers, the “need” to go to every Christmas market, to write an uncountable amount of holiday cards… Dare to say no – and remember that’s not something you should (be made to) feel bad about.

Take a break

From all of those obligations, but also just to appreciate the time.

If you’re lucky enough to have a place to celebrate the season, and people to celebrate it with, take the time to enjoy that. If you’re faced with a different reality, one where people you want there aren’t – or where you’re the one who’s not wanted, take a break from the forced happiness to settle with that. It’s never going to be an easy thing, but just because it’s a “holly jolly season”, doesn’t mean that you have to be “on” for all of that.

Find the silence, or the hobbies that will allow you to step away from the pressure, and take a break to find yourself again.

Be consistent

Whatever habits you hold on to throughout the year, be consistent with those. It’s the complete change of every part of your life that can be most upsetting to your mental health.

Whether that’s what you eat, when you eat, when you go to bed, how much sleep you get, how often you see other people, … Take note of those habits that give you the stability you need, and try to anticipate which ones you can give up, which ones you need, and which you might be okay missing out on for just one day.

It’s only temporary

If all else fails – and trust me, it does for me sometimes as well – just remember that this too shall pass. Maybe you won’t have the relaxing Christmas of your dreams, but even so: there’s always tomorrow, next week, next month.

From time to time, you won’t get the option to say no, to take a break – it’ll be go go go and it’ll be all you can do to just keep your head above water. Luckily, then, it’s only temporary. I mean, the holidays sure seem endless, from time to time, but really: what’s a month, or even better: just a couple of days, in a year?

How do you try to give yourself a more relaxing Christmas? What are some of the ways in which you try to protect your mental (and physical) health during this period? Be sure to let me know below!


Walking Through The Pages - Have Yourself a Relaxing Christmas - Blogmas 2020

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