Christmas,  Holidays,  Lifestyle

2020 Christmas Wishlist

Every year, I’m supposed to send my aunts and uncles my Christmas wishlist. And every year? Well, I stumble. Because, honestly – most of the things I want? I can just buy myself. So, if I don’t have it yet? I probably don’t really want (need) it that much. And every year? That ends up with me having to scramble to get enough things so that they have options – because, yes: I’m that person.

Not this year, though. This year, I was prepared. (I’m telling you, that whole bullet journal thing is really working out for me) And if all of those things fall into either food- or books-related? Well, again: I guess I’m that person. What can I do, right?


  • A juicer: I bought a juicer this spring, and I already broke it. Oops? Either way, I’d like a new one please
  • Pots and pans: because you can never have enough of these, right? Especially if, like me, you basically want a specific pan for every possible function. Or if, you know – your bf insists on handwashing your pans, and then only wants to do that like once every 3 days…
  • Dutch Oven: because, again: I want a specific thing for every possible specific method of preparation.


  • Rick Riordan: or at least, any of his books that I don’t own yet. Because of… personal reasons? Sure, that’ll work
  • Sarra Manning: I’ve read a lot of her books, but I would love to have physical copies of at least a couple of them – specifically You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, Nine Uses For An Ex-Boyfriend, Unsticky, and It Felt Like a Kiss. These 4 all sort of tie into each other, and I always love getting to see how a character is doing after “their story” is done. And of course: I just remember really loving these stories when I first read them…
  • A giant gift card so I can buy all the e-books I want – I’m trying to limit my purchases through the “too big stores” like Amazon, or more locally:, but I also want to keep reading. And unfortunately, buying e-books from not-Amazon or not-bol tends to be slightly more expensive. In other words: gift cards are very very welcome!

And that’s it, really. I mean, maybe some cash so we could buy a drying machine might be nice – if only because I really don’t like hanging up the laundry. But you know, other than that? I really can’t think of anything I particularly want this year.

What’s on your Christmas wishlist though? Any particular gifts you’re really hoping to see under the tree? Be sure to let me know below!


Walking Through The Pages - My Christmas Wishlist - blogmas 2020