Blogging,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #194: Favourite Content August

August is just about gone, school is going to start again, retakes have already started and I’m stressed and everything is just downhill from here okay. Anyways. Here’s my favourite content August edition!

1. On calming down

Hi, my name is Saar and I’m perpetually stressed.

Which means it’s a good thing I came across this article on some underrated hobbies to help you relax.

That’s it really. I need to calm the f*** down.

2. N.E.W.T.s reading vlogs

Because it’s fun to see you’re not the only one struggling with the challenges. And all that fun stuff.

3. Reflection on Marriage

There’s something very intimate about letting people having a glimpse into the reality of being married. And Blair Lamb manages to do so in such an incredible way…

4. What Anxiety Feels Like

Because. Well. Accurate.

5. My 4 year blog anniversary

Because, well… I’ve been doing this for 4 years.

Surely that’s something to celebrate?

And that’s it, basically! That’s the content I’ve been loving most this past month – is it really obvious I’ve been reading books more so than online sources? No? Just me? Okay then 🙂


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