
4 Year Blog Anniversary

Today is my 4 year blog anniversary. That’s right, Walking Through The Pages has been a thing for 1460 days. And honestly? I’m a little impressed with myself!

I started this blog just because I loved Lara over at Overstuffed‘s blog so much. Basically. Soon enough, though, this online space became something of a safe have to me. This was where I could freak out about life happening, gush about books I’d loved, share about mental health – and of course: just write about anything that came to mind.

Because of this blog, I’ve gotten some pretty nice opportunities as well! I’ve gotten to meet a couple of other bloggers IRL, I’ve received eARCs – which has allowed my reading addiction to grow even further…

I still consider myself a very small blogger – because, let’s be real. My views? Nothing to write home about. But this past year, I’ve even learned to let go of that as a measure of succes. Kinda.

Because hey – this blog? It’s a bit of an accomplishment. In the past year, I’ve written no less than 185 blogposts – 186 if you count this one. I’ve reached my 192nd weekly list, as well as my 121st book review. I’ve participated in both #blogmas and #40daysofblogging again, resulting in 2 months of (almost) daily blogging.

And while, sure, I would’ve liked some more people actually reading what I’m writing? Just the fact that I managed to stay consistent – while juggling a full time job, a part time job, ridiculous hours on both of those, buying a house and moving… That’s enough for now. Here’s to my 5th year being the year I manage to be consistent – not just with my blogging, but with my promotion as well!

(And Happy 4 year blog anniversary to me!)


Walking Through The pages - 4 Year Blog Anniversary

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