Recipes #7: “Healthy” Brownies
So here’s a fun fact for you. I don’t like calories – but I love the way they package them. French fries… Cookies… Cake…. Quiche… Brownies… So here’s what I love to do: try and find ways to make some of those “packages” just that bit more acceptable. In a way. Last week, I found myself absolutely craving brownies. And I figured: “Hey, I’ve been meaning to try something new with that”, so I went for it. Turns out… The result wasn’t too bad!
Now, let’s be honest – anybody who tells you that their healthier version of anything tastes just like the real thing? They either never had the real thing or they’re just plain lying. This version, though? Quite sweet, nice and gooey and just in general: yummy!
- 60g cocoapowder
- 45g all-purpose flower
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 150g black chocolate
- 2 tablespoons of half-skimmed milk (or soy milk, almond milk, …)
- 1 banana (medium)
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 125g plain greek yoghurt
What to do
- Preheat your oven to approximately 200° C.
- Put the banana, greek yoghurt and vanilla extract in a blender, blend until well-combined.
- Put the chocolate and the milk in a bowl, microwave for approximately 1 minute (depending on your microwave this could be a bit longer or shorter!)
- Use a fork to stir the milk and chocolate until they form one smooth mixture.
- Add the chocolate mixture into the blender and blend with the banana, greek yoghurt and vanilla extract. Blend until you can no longer see any bits that aren’t brown.
- In a large bowl, combine the cocoa powder, the all-urpose flower and the baking powder.
- Add the fluids into the bowl and mix everything together.
- Line an oven-proof tray with baking paper and pour in the brownie mixture.
- Bake the brownies for approximately 20 minutes, then put out the oven.
- Leave the brownies in until the middle of the brownies bounces only slightly – approximately 10 minutes for me 🙂
- Cut into cubes and serve!
Now, I have to say: I’m personally not a fan of anything banana – but in this recipe, it really didn’t bother me at all. For those of you who are curious: the banana and greek yoghurt replace eggs, butter ànd sugar – not a bad exchange, as far as I’m concerned 🙂
Be sure to let me know below if you tried this recipe, and what you thought!