Christmas,  Holidays

Gift guide for a Gamer

Every year I’m faced with the same problem: what on earth am I supposed to buy for the bf as a Christmas present? To make things worse, his birthday is Christmas Eve, so that’s twice the amount of presents I have to give him… So here’s where I got my inspiration – and hopefully it’ll be helpful for you as well: my gift guide for a gamer!


Gift cards – for Nintendo Switch, or for Steam, or for … Seriously, there’s so many options for gift cards. And, sure, they might be a bit generic… But they’re also something that your local gamer will probably get some real enjoyment out.

Alternately, if you know exactly what games they like, you could play on that. How about some nostalgic games – you know, the ones they played as kids? Or even something like a mini NES – which I gifted the bf a couple of years ago, and he absolutely loved. Nostalgic ànd hardware? Perfect combination!

Or how about – if they’re into this, at least – a board game or puzzle inspired by their favourite game?


This might just be a “my friends thing”, but still. I know a lot of gamers and if there’s one thing that’s true for just about all of them? They need coffee the way most people need air. So I’m playing on that, this year – and giving the bf a pour-over coffee maker. Because reasons. And old-fashioned coffee.

Source: Bodum

And of course, then there’s always the “expansion packages” – like fresh coffee, or syrups, or… All the endless possibilities!

Apart from that, think homewear: socks that claim “do not disturb, I’m gaming”, a bottle with your favourite gamer’s image, … Be creative!

Honestly, that whole being creative would probably be a lot easier if the bf actually needed anything, but again: what’s Christmas for, if not to give someone something they didn’t even know they wanted?

What other tips do you have for me? As I mentioned: I always get to hit the bf with a double whammy of presents, so more recommendations are always welcome!


Walking Through The Pages - Gift Guide for a Gamer - Blogmas 2020