Favourite Holiday Content 2020
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that I actually did it? I completed Blogmas – and that’s an achievement, especially considering I hadn’t actually posted consistently since this past spring. And what’s even better? I’m not the only one who’s been spending December pumping out Christmas feelings – these people got the holiday content just right!
Hello Miss Jordan
Jordan’s content is magical on any day, so adding in the holiday spirit certainly made for some even more amazing content – from the dresses, to the settings, to the… I love to just dream away at (basically) all of her posts!
Alexandra Tealeaf
Alexandra has a fairly similar style to Jordan’s – magical, fairy tale-like, amazing dresses. And she’s been absolutely killing it this season. I mean – the Nutcracker. With ballet. What more could I possibly need?
Modern Mrs Darcy
There’s something to be said for books and the holidays, and Anne, over at Modern Mrs Darcy, is certainly aware of that. So why not go beyond the “ordinary” (i.e. gifting books) and go for gifts paired with books?
This is probably the first time in about 7 years I haven’t been actively following a lot of vlogs – somehow, a lot of them lost their magic for me, this past year? Luckily, though, then there’s Christmas. And Vlogmas. And all that holiday content that makes me want to teleport to wherever those people are to participate in their celebrations. (Or in the lower level restrictions. That’d be nice as well)
Anyway, what has some of your favourite holiday content been, this year? Be sure to let me know below!