Summer 2018 TBR
It’s summer! I’m free! And as of today, that is actually the case – all preparations have been handed in and in 5 days, I’m not even on call anymore! Which means, obviously, that I have a lot of reading planned in. I mean, really, what else would I do with all that free time? So I figured it was about time I got planning and posted my summer 2018 TBR!
(Also: wow that was a lot of exclamation marks in just one paragraph :p )
Also known as: these are the books that I somehow never get the time for during any time but summer.
1. 30 Before 30: How I made a Mess of My 20s and You Can Too (Marina Shifrin)
I talked about this book in my July New Releases post and I’m honestly really hoping I’ll get a chance to get to this book during summer. It sounds like just the thing to make me feel better about myself, doesn’t it? 🙂 (Goodreads)
2. Scrappy Little Nobody (Anna Kendrick)
I read both of Mindy Kaling’s books last summer, and it made me realise that I actually really like reading those types of “celebreties share about themselves”-books. So, you know, there’s a whole bunch of them coming right up! (Goodreads)
3. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Yuval Noah Harari)
Because, you know… It’s history?
Seriously though, that is pretty much the only reason I need! (Goodreads)
4. Sex With The Queen: 900 Years of Vile Kings, Virile Lovers and Passionate Politics (Eleanor Herman)
Again, it’s history – but the juicy kind. All that I love, in other words 🙂 Also, there’s a “male version” of this and it’s called Sex With Kings: 500 Years of Adultery, Power, Rivalry, and Revenge, so, you know, obviously I have to read both, don’t I? 🙂 (Goodreads)
Serious Fiction
Also know as: these are the books that I don’t have the mental capacity for during most times but summer.
1. The Little Friend (Donna Tartt)
I finished The Secret History by the same author just a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely loved it.
Well, you know… As soon as I’d stopped saying “WHAT” repeatedly, that is. It’s made me want to read more by the same author, and as such both this and the next one have moved straight up my TBR-list! (Goodreads)
2. The Goldfinch (Donna Tartt)
Exact same reasoning as the previous one! (Goodreads)
3. The Remains of the Day (Kazuo Ishiguro)
I mention Never Let Me Go as one of my favourite books ever on a regular basis, but I recently realised I’ve never actually read anything else by this author. The story of The Remains of the Day sounds pretty amazing so naturally, you know… I want to read it. Preferably yesterday, but considering that appears to be rather hard: this summer will do! (Goodreads)
Fun Fiction
Also known as: it’s summer, let me relax!
1. Royals (Rachel Hawkins)
I mean, we know by now that I really like reading about royals, right? So this was basically just right up my ally! (Goodreads)
2. Running With Lions (Julian Winters)
Because it sounds amazing – and also because it’s on my July New Releases post 🙂 (Goodreads)
3. Autoboyography (Christina Lauren)
This is definitely one of those cases where the title grabbed me first. Knowing what the story is about, though? Yeah, I definitely want to read this! (Goodreads)
4. Cathy Kelly, Jill Mansell, Kate Perry, Jenny Colgan, Carole Matthews…
Also known as: all the favourites for chicklit and romance and all that goodness – I need me some fluff during summer, okay? 🙂
And there you have it, that’s my Summer 2018 TBR for you! What are you planning on reading this season? Be sure to let me know below!