
Travel Diaries: Paris 2016 (2) – Book Crazy in Paris

So, as I posted last week, I went to Paris with my best friend and our boyfriends, and I felt like sharing with you all exactly what we did there during the 3 (eventually 4, but more on that next week) we spent in the Ville de l’Amour!

On the second day of our trip to Paris, we were once again melting just about the entire time, but luckily we managed to get quite some activities in there as well!

Monday 18/07

On the morning of our second day, we all got up around 9 am – being just a tad bit exhausted from the day before and all – and after a delicious breakfast (let me tell you again: freshly baked Madeleines!) we got our bags and took the metro to St. Michel, where we first admired the beautiful baroque fountain (and let me tell you: beautiful is not in any way an overstatement!).
After this, we (and by we, I mean me) wanted to go to Gibert Jeune, after which we had originally planned to go to the Île de la Cité. The heat, however, made us decide to instead go visit Shakespeare & Company which, let’s face it, is definitely a must for any booklover in Paris!
(Also, this was, like, the 3rd time in Paris at least for all of us, so we had the luxury of not having to do all the tourist-y things!)

When we were done enjoying the view of the Notre Dame, we took the first metro to the Galéries Lafayette, because I really wanted to go back there. “Back?” you might ask? Yes, “back”, because in the summer of 2014 I spent three weeks in Paris with EF, and my school was on a sideroad from the Galéries Lafayette – and part of me still misses that…
Anyways, I gave the other three a really brief tour of the school, and as it was already high time for lunch, we got ourselves something to eat (my recommendation of the day: the Thai salad and the Salmon pasta salad from Co-Jean – they’re absolutely delicious, and I had them way too often when I was there two years ago – turns out they’re still as good).
We took our food and went all the way up the escalators in the Galéries, where we ate our food on top and then took some time to really enjoy the gorgeous view over Paris – seriously, if you do have the chance, do try and go to the top of the Galéries Lafayette!

Next up, we wanted to go to the Musée d’Orsay, so we walked to the Opéra Garnier (which I visited with my high school, serious recommendation as well!) where we took the metro to Invalides – because of course the actual metro stop at the museum was temporarily closed. And of course, after walking for 20 minutes in the blistering heat, we arrived at the Musée d’Orsay, only to realise that it was Monday and as such, just like a lot of tourist attractions in Paris, it was closed on Mondays.

After taking a breather (and trust me, that was necessary!) we finally decided to just cross the Seine, where we found ourselves immediately at the Jardin des Tuileries where me and the bf set ourselves down and enjoyed the books we (I) ‘d just bought, and in the case of the bf: caught some Pokemon. In the mean time, my best friend and her bf went to the Arc de Triomphe, intending on climbing it.(which I’ve been told is amazing but a) I was just too tired and b) as it turned out, it was way too busy to do that anyways, so yay for me for not putting that much effort in :p )

When we regrouped around 5 pm we were all basically just so knocked out by the heat that we eventually decided to just go back to our hotel where we grabbed a quick bite, and just like the night before, took a shower before gladly going to bed at a (probably ridiculously) nice and early hour!


PS: If you should be interested in reading some of the other journey’s I’ve done, such as there are: last summer’s trip to England and Schotland, be sure to check out my travelling tag! If you want to read the rest of this series, you can find it at the Paris 2016 tag!

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