2017 Reading Challenges: July Update
So the booktube-a-thon happened. That was good. That was also, or so it feels at least, about the best reading-time that was had this week. What can I say – I took a…
Weekly Lists #95: 5 Favorite Blogposts July
So this month I’ve found myself randomly wandering around bloglovin. A lot of these posts are things I found there, but there’s one good old classic in there as well ? Hey, what’s…
52 Goals July Update
And we’re back with another month of too little time, too much to do! In case that didn’t make it clear enough? The 52 goals July update? It consists mainly of: “I hope…
About Books #23: The Story of Awkward
Sometimes you come across those rare instances where a free book is actually good. And really, really exceptionally, you find a book that’s not just good, it’s genious. It hits all the right spots, it’s not too…
Weekly Lists #94: Books without Romance
This is another response to the Top 5 Wednesday Group on Goodreads, and another one where I’m distinctly late to the party. Basically, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this myself. Now,…
2017 Book-Tube-Athon
So apparently Booktube-A-Thon is a thing? Now, sure, I’m not technically a booktuber. But hey: I do have a bookstagram? And a somewhat-bookblog? So guess what: I’m in. Because obviously I need to put more pressure on myself…
Belgian books you should read
So today is the Belgian national holiday. No big deal, really – but, I mean, like, for real. Belgians in general don’t really have that much of a “national feeling”. However, there’s three…
Weekly Lists #93: Things to Love about Summer
It’s not really a secret that I’m not particularly fond of summer. Too much sun, too much heat… Too little things to do. (Yes, I’m that kind of a person.) And still, there’s definitely…