About Books #18: The Wedding Gift
I don’t know if I’m just getting more critical or what, but apparently I need my chicklit at a certain standard these days. Unfortunately, it remains to be seen whether Lucy Kevin reaches…
Recipes #6: Leek Quiche
So it’s been a while since I’ve gotten around to doing a recipe, right? That’s mainly because I keep forgetting to take pics when I’m cooking. And trust me, I’ve been cooking plenty! However,…
My 2017 Spring-TBR
So Winter is officially over, which means it’s time for a new post on what books I want to read. Let’s be honest though – this is my Spring TBR. It’s not like…
Reviewing the Classics #6: War of the Worlds
This is one of those cases where I basically did it to myself. First of all, I’m not usually all that keen on the kind of books where aliens come to the world.…
Weekly Lists #77: Books that took me the longest to finish
Recently, I’ve found myself going back to my favourite genre for relaxing reading: chick lit. You see, at times I can really enjoy reading something that requires some thinking. You know, the kind…
About Books #17: A Little Something Different
As you’ve all probably noticed by now, I have a certain love for any romantic story. Add in a couple of different point of views, a nice obstacle that can be overcome, and I’m…
Tags #8: The 25 Random Questions Tag
This morning, I woke up feeling like doing a random tag. (hahahaha) But seriously, I feel like it’s been a while since I did one of these, so this Random Sunday seemed like…
Book Tags #11: Opposite Books Tag
And here I am, back at it again with the book tags. What’s more: back at it again with yet another tag that I found on Dreamland Book Blog! What can I say,…