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52 Goals January Update

That’s one month down, another 11 to go. How did your first month of 2017 go? I personally feel as if that month held at least 3 times the normal amount of days – and work, so quite frankly? Kind of relieved it’s over 🙂 None the less, I did manage to get at least some of my goals done. So here’s my 52 goals January update!

1. Personal

  1. Take at least one night per two weeks off – off work, off school, off blogging, just to enjoy: yeah, that didn’t happen this month. Then again, I had exams the entire month, so that might explain
  2. Do something sporty at least 3 times a week: Check!
  3. Eat pizza once a month (that means both at least and maximum, in case you were wondering): check
  4. Eat sushi once a month (see above): check
  5. Bake something new at least once a month: check – and the bf now loves banana bread 🙂
  6. Try a new recipe once a month: check, and I’m thanking Hello Fresh for that 🙂
  7. Go to my favourite spot at least once a week, even if just in passing: didn’t do that this month, unfortunately: again, exams 🙂
  8. Start to learn a new language (I’ve wanted to speak Swedish for ages!): not yet
  9. Learn to be happy with my body
  10. Learn to be happy with myself in general
  11. Try 17 new sorts of tea
  12. Appreciate the good things I’ve got going: tried really hard 🙂 
  13. Dance a little every day: did it!

2. Books

  1. Read at least 100 books: I’m on 8, that counts for something, right?
  2. Finish at least 3 of my Reading Challenges: I’m actually already on my way to this one on two of them! Oops? 🙂
  3. Read at least 10 books in French: I read one! Vous revoir, the sequel to Marc Levy’s Et si c’était vrai – and I absolutely loved it!
  4. Read at least 10 books in Dutch
  5. Read a book I’ve been postponing for way too long
  6. Read a classic I’ve wanted to read for ages
  7. Buy at least one book a month: 3 actually – oops?
  8. Read 17 books I own, but haven’t read yet: one down, many more to go!
  9. Start and finish 3 books in one day
  10. Read every day, even if it’s just a page: did it and so incredibly proud of that!
  11. Plan to read, rather than read to procrastinate
  12. Get over myself and count the fanfictions I read for my reading challenges? I got one so far, more to come hopefully 🙂
  13. Finish 3 series I started but didn’t finish: with Vous revoir, this one is actually one down already as well 🙂

3. School / work

One big nope

4. Blog

  1. Write at least 3 posts every week: did it!
  2. Write at least 1 book review every month: I wrote, like, 7 this month – if I keep doing this I’ll have “reached” this goal by the end of next month :p
  3. Start (and finish) at least 1 new series this year
  4. Participate in Blog-mas 2017
  5. Do a collaboration with another blogger?
  6. Participate in at least one Twitter chat a week: yes!
  7. Actively pin at least one day every week
  8. Get at least one Instagram post out every week
  9. Always make sure to have at least 2 posts out of 3 written a week before they have to go online: also known as “probably the only reason I’m still alive” :p
  10. Finalise tweeking the way my blog looks
  11. Try and get a sponsored post?
  12. Try and get an ARC?
  13. Keep loving blogging: so far so good!

So yeah, that’s how I’ve been doing on my goals for 2017! What goals did you set for yourself? And how have you been doing on those? Be sure to let me know below!


52 Goals Start Up

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