Blogging,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #111: 5 Favourite Blogposts November

It’s basically Christmas, y’all. And quite frankly – I don’t know that I’m ready for that! I mean, I still have to make exams for the courses I’m teaching. And I have like 16 more posts to write for Blog-mas. I got all my Christmas-presents, at the very least. So there’s that. But, as you read in this month’s Reading Challenges Update – I got hardly any reading done. And that includes blogs. None the less, here’s some of my favourite blogposts November edition!

1. Make time for you this holiday season

The first post I wrote for Blog-mas this year is called “how to find the calm in December”. I wrote that probably back in October. It’s going online this coming Friday (HOW IS THAT ALREADY DECEMBER 1ST 😮 ) but if you need some tips to tide you over until then? I would strongly recommend this post. A Girl Obsessed already has a way to turn her words, and I found myself nodding along a lot to what she wrote here.

2. Periods

On periods, talking about them and normalising them

I mean, I don’t think I need to draw a picture here. Periods suck a majority of the time, but that still doesn’t mean we have to hide them away in a little corner and never talk about them.

3.  Hygge

Hygge has been such a thing for these last couple of years. That being said, it can still be rather difficult to get that level of cosiness. Especially with all the business that comes with December!

Overstuffed Life is one of those blogs that appears on this list with regular intervals, and I just couldn’t not include this post!

4. Improve your blog(posts)

Another post by A Girl Obsessed – what can I say, she had a good month! And also, if you’re blogging, you’re usually trying to look for ways to improve your blog, right? No? Just me? Okay then.

Anyways, really good post to read. Even if it is just for reference!

5. What people should know about mental health

Because of reasons. And also… It’s been a month.

And there you have it, that’s 5 of my favourite blogposts from this last month! What posts have you been loving? Be sure to let me know below!


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