Weekly Lists #88: Favorite Organizational Videos
You know how somehow you find yourself sucked into the dark end of YouTube? For me, in general, that ends up in either one of two places: 70’s Eurovision music, or organization. Naturally, that’s a gross exageration, but you know what I mean. Either way, here’s some of my favorite organizational videos – either I’ve looked them up, either I’ve happened across them. Or, you know: that dark end of YouTube!
1. How to get Organised
Basically, I love this YouTuber as is. Add in organisation? I was hooked.
2. 10 Bullet Journal Hacks & Ideas
This was definitely one from the Dark End-days. I mean, I’m not exactly sure what path I took exactly to get here. But, you know – it got me trying to do a bullet journal, right? That I then completely failed at it, is naturally completely irrelevant 🙂
For those of you that want some more bullet-goodness, by the way: here’s the video that started off the road down to that previous one 🙂
3. Pinterest hacks… tested
RachhLoves is one those people you’ll see coming back from time to time on this blog. I like her for her make up reviews, but the Pinterest hacks testing? That’s what made me fall in love with her challenge. So, you know… Naturally, as soon as I saw she had a video in that series dedicated entirely to organization? You bet I was straight on that!
4. How to Clean your Room in 10 steps
Because, let’s face it – actually being organized and having a clean space around you tend to go hand in hand. Which might just explain why I keep on having so much trouble with the one when the other gets out of hand 🙂
5. How to organize your bookshelves
And this was always going to have to be a part of this list. Quite frankly, I’ve been told more than once that I should just throw away some books. However. First of all, I don’t want to. Second of all: why should I have to? And third of all: how on earth am I then ever going to get the library of my dreams?
Basically, organizing your bookshelves can be quite a task when you’ve reached a certain level of book-ownership. That’s where this video might just come in handy. Oh, and all the bookshelves. Of course.
And there you have it, that’s some of my favourite organizational videos for you! Be sure to let me know below if you have any others – trust me, I could probably use them!