Weekly Lists #5: Films Everybody Should Have Watched
Every Wednesday, I post a list of random stuff. This week: 5 films I think everybody should watch as soon as possible.
1. Never Let Me Go, 2010, Starring Keira Knightley, Andrew Garfield and Carey Mulligan
The book on which this movie was based is one of my all-time favourite novels, and this is actually one of those rare cases where the movie is equally good as the book.
The actors are excellent, the script is solid, and a fitting amount of chocolate and tissues are required to get through the thing – I love it.
Of course, the fact that I saw the movie before I ever read the book might have helped, but that doesn’t change the fact that this film is absolutely see-worthy!
2. Just Like Heaven, 2005, starring Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo
This is another film where I saw the film before I read the book – in this case before I ever even knew the book existed! It’s based on the novel Et si c’était vrai by Marc Levy, and it was one of those rare cases where a book you have to read for school actually wasn’t rendered horrible just by the mere fact that you have to read it. And of course: the film is so perfect – again, not a particularly happy film, but the story is just so beautiful, it’s totally worth any possible tears!
3. Hard Ball, 2001, starring Keanu Reeves
I have a thing for sport drama’s, and this one is probably the reason for that – this is one of the first movies I actually remember watching (I was 9, I sneaked into my parent’s bedroom to watch it and was sent to bed halfway through) and I still watch it again at least once every year – I also still cry, every single time (because it’s so touching!). I also “co-erce” (forcing is such a strong word!) basically all my friends into watching it, because, you know what? It really is that good…
4. Coach Carter, 2005, starring Samuel L. Jackson and featuring Chad Michael Murray
Another sport drama. I won’t lie to you, I first watched this movie because it had CMM – the reason I watched it time and time again, though, is because Samuel L. Jackson is 1) amazing; 2) fantastic; and 3) owning this movie – the fact that the plot is so perfect (because, you know, it’s based on true events) just helped to up it even further in my opinion…
5. The Terminal, 2004, starring Tom Hanks (mainly)
Do I also love him in Forrest Gump and The Green Mile? (both of those also excellent films by the way, and definitely to be added to your to-be-seen-list) Of course I do!
But you know what? Victor Nabroski made the phrase ‘I wait’ and this is the movie which first introduced me to Tom Hanks, and just as with Robin Williams, that means that this movie will forever hold a place in my heart.
(also: Catherine Zeta-Jones ànd Stanley Tucci, need I say more?