My 2018 Fall TBR
With the seasons changing comes, as always, a list of books I’m hopeful about. Hopeful that the fact that I want to read them will outweigh the fact that I’m dedicating myself to…
Summer 2018 TBR
It’s summer! I’m free! And as of today, that is actually the case – all preparations have been handed in and in 5 days, I’m not even on call anymore! Which means, obviously,…
Weekly Lists #135: Books for Pride Month
It’s June! The school year’s almost over! It’s sunny! There’s holidays to be looked forward to! And (most importantly, maybe) it’s Pride Month! Now, I’ve consciously chosen not to include books I’ve already…
The 3 types of books you need to bring on a holiday
As I’m writing this, my suitcase is glaring at me from across the appartment. Because I’m leaving for a weekend away with the bf in about 3 hours and I still haven’t made…
My 2018 Spring TBR
It feels crazy that I’m actually writing this, because apparently it’s going to be snowing tomorrow. You know, as it does, less than a week before spring is set to officially start. None…
#Inloveathon TBR
So today is February 9th, which means it’s time for the #inloveathon. I came across this readathon through Hardback Hoarder, who is one of the hosts. The basic concept? A week around Valentine’s Day to…
New Releases: February 2018
So here’s something I really really love: the smell of new books. And here’s something I do on a semi-daily basis: dream about all the books I would like to own, but don’t quite yet.…
Weekly Lists #116: Booktube made me do it
So we all have those moments, right? Where you’re just happily watching some Youtube. Nothing special, really. And then, suddenly. It happens. Someone mentions a book. A title, a blurb, a thing they…