
2017 Reading Challenges: February Update

Another month has come and gone and can I panic yet? I mean, that’s another month less until I have to hand in my master’s dissertation, another month less until I have to hand in all the paperwork from my internships, another month less until I have to have read all the books… Anyways, I’ll panic some more about that later – for now: have my February update!

1. Goodreads Reading Challenge

  1. Vous Revoir, Marc Levy (this one is technically from last month, but I finished it the day after January’s Reading Challenges Update went up, so oh well 🙂 )
  2. Literaire Verbeelding: een geschiedenis van de Europese literatuur en Cultuur tot 1750, Rita Gehesquière
  3. Literaire Verbeelding: een geschiedenis van de Europese literatuur en Cultuur vanaf 1750, Rita Gehesquière
  4. What a Girl Wants, Kate Perry
  5. The Best is Yet to Come, Tamie Dearen
  6. Her Best Match, Tamie Dearen
  7. That Kind of Girl, Kate Perry
  8. Hamlet, William Shakespeare
  9. Best Dating Rules, Tamie Dearen
  10. Best Laid Plans, Tamie Dearen
  11. The Housewife Assasin’s Handbook, Josie Brown
  12. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, Eliezer Yudkowsky
    1. Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres and the Methods of Rationality
    2. Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres and the Professor’s Games
    3. Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres and the Shadows of Death
    4. Hermione Jean Granger and the Phoenix’s Call
    5. Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres and the Last Enemy
    6. Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres and the Philosopher’s Stone

I feel like this month’s reading can largely be divided in two categories: reading for teaching and reading for romance. Hamlet and the two books about Literaire Verbeelding (basically: the entire literary and cultural history of Europe) were books I read because I had to teach about them. Just about all the others, I read because I was craving romance.

And then, of course, there’s that last one. That one actually started out as a fanfiction, but was since published as an actual book. Also, the bf bet me that I couldn’t finish it before the end of the month. On the 17th of February. That book counts over 2000 pages. (and no, I didn’t put a 0 too many) So, you know, I’m pretty proud of myself for that one 🙂 2017 Reading Challenge

  • Light
    • A book targeted at your gender: What a Girl Wants, Kate Perry
    • A book your pastor recommends: Geschiedenis van de Europese Literatuur en Cultuur vanaf 1750, Rita Ghesquière (My pastor, then, being my teacher 🙂 )
  • Avid
    • A book about the Reformation: Geschiedenis van de Europese LIteratuur en Cultuur tot 1750, Rita Ghesquière (hey, the Reformation is discussed in this one!)
    • A book of 100 pages or less: The Best is Yet to Come, Tamie Dearen
  • Committed
    • A book from a theological viewpoint you don’t agree with: The Best Dating Rules, Tamie Dearen (you’ll understand if you read it)
    • A humorous book: Her Best Match, Tamie Dearen
    • A novel by an author you have never read before: That Kind of Girl, Kate Perry
    • A play by William Shakespeare: Hamlet
    • A book by a female author: Best Laid Plans, Tamie Dearen
    • A book you own but never read: Vous Revoir, Marc Levy

3. Popsugar Reading Challenge

  • General
    • A book involving travel: Best Laid Plans, Tamie Dearen
    • A book with a subtitle: Her Best Match – A romantic Comedy, Tamie Dearen
    • A book with a title that’s a character’s name: Hamlet, Shakespeare
    • A book set in two different time periods: Geschiedenis van de Europese Literatuur en Cultuur vanaf 1750, Rita Ghesquière
    • A book written by someone you admire: Geschiedenis van de Europese Literatuur en Cultuur tot 1750, Rita Ghesquière
    • The first book in a series you haven’t read before: The Best is Yet to Come, Tamie Dearen
    • A book you bought on a trip: Vous Revoir, Marc Levy
  • Advanced
    • A book from a genre / subgenre that you’ve never heard of: The Housewife Assasin’s Handbook, Josie Brown
    • A book with an eccentric character: What a Girl Wants, Kate Perry
    • A book that’s more than 800 pages: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, Eliezer Yudkowsky

4. Modern Mrs Darcy Reading Challenge(s)

  • Reading for fun
    • A book you chose for the cover: Her Best Match, Tamie Dearen
    • A book you don’t want to admit you’re dying to read: What a Girl Wants, Kate Perry
    • A book you were excited to buy or borrow but haven’t read yet: Vous Revoir, Marc Levy
  • Reading for growth
    • A book of poetry, a play, or an essay collection: Hamlet, Shakespeare

5. The United States of YA

No progress on this one, unfortunately 🙁

6. Read Around the World Challenge

7. The Rory Gilmore Challenge

No progress on this one either, unfortunately 🙁

Anyways, despite the relative failure on those last couple of challenges, I still feel like I did pretty good, right? I mean, you know, especially when you take into account that I started my teacher’s internship, took some exams ànd classes started again!
How have you been doing on your reading challenges? What have you been reading that you loved? Be sure to let me know below!



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