Weekly Lists #99: 2010’s Eurosong Favorites
If you follow me on Twitter, and have done so for a couple of months, you’ll have seen the craziness that is Eurovision in Europe. It’s the one time a year you can…
About Books #24: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
For some reason, I’ve never really been one to read a lot of non-fiction. It’s probably something to do with my reading for escapism so often. Non-fiction doesn’t really seem to fit that…
Weekly Lists #98: Songs 16 year old me loved!
All of us probably have those songs that make us go “Oh my GOD I LOVE that song!”. As a matter of fact, most of us have quite a few of them, right?…
Two Year Blog Anniversary
So today marks the two year anniversary of my blog! Last year I mentioned that I technically started it on the 18th, but as my first post was published this day, two years…
Book Tags #14: Mid Year Book Freak Out
So apparently I divide my year into two big parts: everything before summer break, and everything after summer break. As such, it didn’t really dawn on me that the Mid Year part of the…
Weekly Lists #97: Travelling Must Haves
Last week, I went on a holiday with my family. It was the kind of thing that could turn either into a dream, or a nightmare. Six people with slightly varying interests, weather…
Weekly Lists #96: Reasons not to Blog (And That’s Okay!)
Here’s a fun fact: this is the second time I’m writing this post. And then, about 10 minutes after hitting “publish”? My server crashed. While I was abroad, hardly any internet. So I’m…
2017 Reading Challenges: July Update
So the booktube-a-thon happened. That was good. That was also, or so it feels at least, about the best reading-time that was had this week. What can I say – I took a…