Christmas Markets
One of my absolute favourite things about Christmas would probably have to be all the Christmas markets. In Europe as a whole, it basically seems as if almost every single town has one…
Favorite Holiday Songs
Now, yes, I know that I already made a list of my favourite seasonal music in last year’s Christmas series. But. However. You didn’t really think I had but 5 favorites – right? Of course not! So…
Ways to Get in the Holiday Spirit
For all that I seem to be constantly ready for Christmas, I can actually have some trouble getting in the holiday spirit. Last year especially, I had so much work for school that I basically…
Gift Ideas on a Budget
For all that I’m always proclaiming to love Christmas, I’m more than aware that it can put quite some stress on your wallet. I mean, I’m a student, and I have a bunch of people…
Gifts for the Narnia-lover
Here’s my logic behind writing a post on gifts for the Narnia-lover: “So here’s a thing I never really understood: how does the Narnia-series not have a huge fandom? I mean, The Lord…
Favorite Holiday Printables
So I talked about this at the beginning of fall as well, but I absolutely love printables. They make for such easy and fun decoration – and cheap as well! So of course I would…