Weekly Lists #52: 5 More Favourite TV-Series
What with autumn just around the corner, I feel like it’s time to get back to watching my tv-series. And although I have a couple of series that I go back to time…
Weekly Lists #51: Alternatives for college
So the dreaded back to school time has come around again, and although I’m quite lucky in that school doesn’t start for me for another couple of weeks, for the majority of people…
One Year Blog Anniversary
So this week was my blog’s one year anniversary! I made this blog on August 18th, I wrote my first ‘post’ on August 19th, and completely re-wrote it the 21st of August –…
Weekly Lists #49: Favourite Food-Tubers
So after writing entire posts on my favourite Family-tubers, my favourite DIY-tubers and (of course) my favourite book-tubers, it seemed only right that I should also dedicate an entire post to some of…
Travel Diaries: Paris 2016 (3) – Stuck in Paris
So today, I’m going to be writing down here the last part of our journey to Paris. Now this one actually is about two days rather than one, and we ended up being…
Weekly Lists #48: Top Tricks to Learn Languages
As you probably all know by now, I study languages – that is to say: I’ve just gotten my “Master of Arts in Literature and Linguistics”. As such, I’ve had to do quite…
Travel Diaries: Paris 2016 (2) – Book Crazy in Paris
So, as I posted last week, I went to Paris with my best friend and our boyfriends, and I felt like sharing with you all exactly what we did there during the 3…
Weekly Lists #47: Studying Essentials
Here’s one of the best things about living in Belgium: the school year doesn’t start until September 1st at the earliest. Yeah, you read that right – we allĀ have about another month of…