Blogging,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #86: 5 Favorite Blogposts May

I could do the same old song I do every month. How on earth has the month past us by already? Where have my days gone? How is it this far in the year already? Or I could just say: hey, this month had some amazing blogposts. And here’s my favorite blogposts May edition!

1. An introvert’s guide to interviews, Lazy Thoughts

This is half for practical reasons and half in hopes that others who could use these tips will see it. Basically – interviews terrify me. So, yeah, this guide was definitely welcome!

2. What my mother taught me, Modern Mrs Darcy

7 things my mother taught me about how to live (and dress, and pay my bills)

Because chances are your mother has had some smart things to teach you as well. And because this mother’s tips are just plain old actually useful 🙂


3. 15 Lunches you can prep on Sunday, The Every Girl

15 Lunches You Can Meal Prep on Sunday

One of the things I’ve been trying to for my internship, is try and take lunches as often as possible. If nothing else, it’s cheaper than buying lunch. And, you know… Healthier and all that stuff 🙂

4. We Must Let the Hard Things Teach us, Blair Blogs

We Must Let Hard Things Teach Us

Yes, I’m aware that Blair Blogs is part of this series just about every single month. But that’s just because she’s basically one of my favourite bloggers ever. She has a sincerity about her, that really comes through both in her blogposts and videos. Such as this one, for example 🙂

5. The Many Ways in which we are wrong about Jane Austen, Literary Hub

The Many Ways in Which We Are Wrong About Jane Austen

So I guess most of you know by now that I love reading, and Jane Austen is definitely my favourite (and first) classic author to fall in love with. Her Persuasion was even the first book I ever reviewed for my Reviewing the Classics-series! This post, for me, was just pure “oh my god I want to know all the information”. So, you know – if you’re interested 🙂

What posts have you been loving this past month? Be sure to let me know below!


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