A day in the life: Teacher edition (part1)
I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was about yee high. I know I can’t actually show you how high yee is. But I don’t doubt for a second you can imagine. And since…
Book Tags #15: The Guilty Reader Tag
So here’s a hint if you’re bored: just go to Hardback Hoarder’s and drown yourself in the tags. Seriously, she has a Tag Tuesday that has been running for so long that I…
About Books #41: Wedding Bells at the Dog & Duck
There’s a certain kind of lovely cliché about wanting to get married. And then the other person just… Doesn’t. Or they do, but they have doubts, or fears, or… And if you add…
2018 Reading Updates: February Update
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a month in possession of Valentine, must be in need of a romantic readathon. And that readathon, in this case, kind of ended up resulting in…
About Books #40: The Royal We
I may or may not have mentioned just once or twice that I kind of like the British royals. Just a tad :)I also really like it when people write romance stories that are pretty…
Weekly Lists #121: Favorite blogposts February 2018
There’s another month just about gone and another load of blogposts I’ve been loving. From the personal to the emotional to the blogging-related, there’s been quite a few this month. And as per…
Updated Book Shelves Tour
So it’s been a while since I’ve done a book shelves tour. And that’s a shame, really, because a lot has happened, book-wise. I mean, sure, I got some new books. But also…
About Books #39: Winter at the Dog and Duck
You know I love my romance. I read it a ton, I tend to be quite critical of it, and most times, that means I select books I actually end up liking. From…