Weekly Lists #119: Favorite Romance Series
What’s this? Two weekly lists in one week? In two days even? Yes, that’s right! I’ve got some catching up to do from last week’s missed post. Plus, it’s the last but one…
Weekly Lists #118 Favorite romance standalones
Yes, I know, there was no weekly lists last week. But I had a perfectly reasonable good reason: my blog was down. Again. That’s the second time in like a little over a…
#Inloveathon TBR
So today is February 9th, which means it’s time for the #inloveathon. I came across this readathon through Hardback Hoarder, who is one of the hosts. The basic concept? A week around Valentine’s Day to…
About Books #35: The Wedding That Changed Everything
You guys, I was so ready not to like this book. I mean, I went back and forth, which is why I requested Jennifer Joyce’s The Wedding That Changed Everything on Netgalley. And then when I…
2018 Reading Updates: January Update
*Cue the complaint about how January has gone by entirely too soon and how I’m not ready for it to be over yet.” Good, now that we’ve gotten that over with. I actually did…
Weekly Lists #117: Favorite blogposts January 2018
You guys, how is it the end of the first month already? I mean, I’ve seen these posts going around about how January lasted like 17 months. No. No. Just no. January flew by and I…
About Books #34: Accidentally in Love
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten any book reviews in. Quite frankly, January completely kicked my bum. I’m telling you – I had so many plans to get all the reading in. And…
New Releases: February 2018
So here’s something I really really love: the smell of new books. And here’s something I do on a semi-daily basis: dream about all the books I would like to own, but don’t quite yet.…